Full Professor



1964-1969   HIGHSCHOOL Diploma

1969-1975   Degree (“Laurea”) in ChEMISTRY. RomE

1975-1976   Military Service

1978-1979   Fullbright-Hays Fellowship, and Master of Science in Agronomy University of Illinois, USA


Further scientific education

       On behalf of a national special project of the Ministry of Agriculture of Italy for the improvement of nitrogen biogeochemical cycle in soils, I was visiting scientist for one month (January 1985) at the Department of Biochemistry, University of Stockholm, Sweden, to train on biochemical and biotechnology laboratory methods on the nitrogenase enzyme extracted from free-living nitrogen-fixing bacteria in soils.

       On a fellowship, granted by the "Blanceflor-Boncompagni" foundation for scientific exchanges among western countries, I was visiting scientist (September-December 1986) at the Department of Agronomy of the University of Illinois, USA, to conduct further studies on soil organic matter influence on environmental transport of heavy metals.

       On behalf of the research program of the Ministry of Agriculture of Italy on pesticides, I was visiting scientist (October-December 1989) at the Institute of Soil Ecology of GSF, München, Germany, to apply radioisotopic techniques to the study of the binding of pesticides residues on soil organic matter.

       As an Alexander von Humboldt Prize winner, I spent a total of 1 year to conduct research on agro-environmental studies in German universities: Technical University of Braunschweig (1998) and University of Dortmund (2001, 2002, 2003, 2004).


work experience

March-August 1977  

Manager-TRAINEE GOOD YEAR, Chemical Division Paris, Franceworking langUAges: English and French

September-December 1977

research officer in agricultural chemistry Ministry of agriculture and forestry of italy

February 1979-Novembee 1980      

research officer in agricultural chemistryExperimental institute for plant nutrition. RomE      

November 1980-November 1982     

Technical Officer FAO, Ethiopia head of laboratory

working langUAge: English

November 1982- November 1983 

Technical Officer FAO Headquarters, RomE working langUAge: English

November 1983-November 1992    

research officer in agricultural chemistry Experimental institute for soil studies and protection, Florence


Associate professor Facolty of agriculture Università di Napoli Federico II

2000-up to date               

Full professor  Facolty of agriculture  Università di Napoli Federico II

2006-up to date               

Director  interdepartmental research centre on the nuclear magnetic resonance for environmental, agri-food, and new materials sciences (CERMANU)

Università di Napoli Federico II


prizes and recognitions


1. Internazional award “Alexander von Humboldt”Alexander von Humboldt foundation, germany

2. Honorary Professor Czech Agricultural University Prague, Czech Republic

3. “Gambrinus” Scientific award city of DortmunD, Germany

4. Doctor “HONORIS CAUSA”university of life sciences Prague, Czech Republic


Research lines

I.     Characterization, use and fate of Natural Organic Matter (NOM) of plant and microbial origin.

Structure and Reactivity of Humic Substances

Pedogenetic role of NOM

Relationship between soil OM and biological activity

II. Studies on the sustainability of the Agro-Environment

Disposal of organic residues on soils

Control of the toxicity in soils of toxic wastes and pesticides

Sustainable soil remediation

III. Mitigation of emission og GHG from agricultural soils and carbon sequestration.

IV. NMR applied to Environmental and Agri-food studies


international research Collaborations

Germany: Institute of Ecological Chemistry and Institute of Soil Ecology at GSF, Munich; Chair of Soil Science, University of Bayreuth; Institute of Ecology and Geography, Università Tecnica di Braunschweig; Institute of Environmental Research, Dortmund; Institute of Agrosphere, Juelich Federal Research Centre.

The Netherlands: Department of Soil Science, The Wageningen Agricultural University.

Great Britain: Rothamstead Experimental Station.

France: Département de Science du Sol, INRA, Versailles; Centre de Pedologie Biologique, CNRS, Nancy.

Spain: University of Alicante, Alicante; Institute of Natural Resources; CSIC, Seville.

USA: University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois; Fertilizer Development Centre, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), Alabama; New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark.

Nigeria: University of Nigeria, Nsukka.


Scientific Publications


1 Editor of the book "Humic Substances in Terrestrial Ecosystems" (1996), Elsevier, Amsterdam.

2. Editor of Special Issues of the “The Science of the Total Environment” and “Fresenius Environmental Bulletin” on environmental problems.

3. Author of numerous chapters in national and international scientific books.

4. Author of more than 200 original publications, more than 170 of which in scientific peer-reviewed journals with impact-factor.  

5. Author of three National Patents.

6. Numerous oral presentation at Congresses and Symposia upon invitation by Organizing Committees.

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