邹建文:男,1971年6月生,江苏兴化人,土壤学和生态学双博士。南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院副院长,江苏省特聘教授,博士研究生导师,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者。1993年7月毕业于江苏农学院农学系(现扬州大学农学院),获农学学士学位;2005年7月毕业于南京农业大学资源与环境科学学院,获土壤学博士学位;2007年5月毕业于美国莱斯大学(Rice University)生态与进化生物学系,获生态学专业博士学位。
1.Qingyin Shang, Xiuxia Yang, Cuimin Gao, Pingping Wu, Jinjian Liu, Yangchun Xu, Qirong Shen,Jianwen Zou*and Shiwei Guo. 2011. Net annual global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in Chinese double rice-cropping systems: a 3-year measurement in long-term fertilizer experiments.Global Change Biology, 17: 2196-2210. (SCI, IF5-yr=8.036).GCB-article.pdf
2.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Yanmei Qin, Shuwei Liu, Genxing Pan, Qirong Shen, Yanyu Lu and Qiaohui Liu. 2009. Changes in fertilizer-induced direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice growing season inChinabetween 1950s and 1990s.Global Change Biology, 15: 229-242. (SCI, IF=8.036).GCB-article.pdf
3.Yi Wang, Wei Huang, Evan Siemann,Jianwen Zou, Gregory Wheeler, Juli Carrillo, and Jianqing Ding*. 2010. Lower resistance and higher tolerance of host plants: biocontrol agents reach high densities but exert weak control.Ecological Applications,21: 729-738. (SCI, IF=5.38).Wang_EcolApp2011.pdf
4.Wei Huang, Siemann Evan, Gregory S. Wheeler,Jianwen Zou, Juli Carrillo, and Jianqing Ding*. 2010. Resource allocation to defence and growth are driven by different responses to generalist and specialist herbivory in an invasive plant.Journal of Ecology, 98: 1157-1167. (SCI, IF=6.02).journal of ecology article.pdf
5.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Jingyan Jiang, Xunhua Zheng, and Ronald L. Sass. 2005. A 3-year field measurement of CH4and N2O emissions from rice paddies inChina: Effects of water regime, crop residue and fertilizer application.Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19(2): GB2021. (SCI, IF=5.533).2004GB002401.pdf
6.Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers,and Evan Siemann. 2007. Differences in morphological and physiological traits between native and invasive populations ofSapium sebiferum.Functional Ecology, 21: 721-730. (SCI, IF=4.85).fec_1298.pdf
7.Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, Saara J. Dewalt, and Evan Siemann. 2008. Decreased resistance and increased tolerance to native herbivores of the invasive plantSapium sebiferum.Ecography, 31: 663-671. (SCI, IF=5.535).Ecography-offprints.pdf
8.Shuwei Liu, Ling Zhang, Qiaohui Liu, andJianwen Zou*. 2012. Fe(III) fertilization mitigating net global warming potential and greenhouse gas intensity in paddy rice-wheat rotation systems inChina.Environmental Pollution, 164: 73-80.(SCI, IF=3.987).EP Article-ENPO6471.pdf
9.Jianwen Zou, Yanyu Lu, and Yao Huang. 2010. Estimates of synthetic fertilizer N-induced direct nitrous oxide emission from Chinese croplands during 1980-2000.Environmental Pollution, 158: 631-635. (SCI, IF=3.987).environmental pollution-article.pdf
10.Yao Huang*,Jianwen Zou, Xunhua Zheng, Yuesi Wang and Xingkai Xu. 2004. Nitrous oxide emissions as influenced by amendment of plant residues with different C:N ratios.Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 36: 973-981. (SCI, IF=4.024).SBB-paper.pdf
11.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Xunhua Zheng, and Yuesi Wang. 2007. Quantifying direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice growing season in mainlandChina: Dependence on water regime.Atmospheric Environment, 41: 8030-8042 (SCI, IF=3.742).AE Offprint.pdf
12.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Yanyu Lu, Xunhua Zheng, and Yuesi Wang. 2005. Direct emission factor for N2O from rice-winter wheat rotation systems in southeastChina.Atmospheric Environment, 39: 4755-4765. (SCI, IF=3.742).atmospheric environment article.pdf
13.Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers, Saara J. Dewalt, and Evan Siemann. 2006. The effect of Chinese tallow tree (Sapium sebiferum) ecotype on soil-plant system carbon and nitrogen processes.Oecologia, 150: 272-281. (IF=3.888).Oecologia-ZOU.pdf
14.Shutao Chen, Yao Huang,Jianwen Zou*, Qirong Shen, Zhenghua Hua, Yanmei Qin, Haishan Chen, and Genxing Pan. 2010. Modeling interannual variability of global soil respiration from climate and soil properties.Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 150: 590-605. (SCI, IF=3.991).Article-AGRFORMET.pdf
15.Shuwei Liu, Ling Zhang, Jingyan Jiang, Nannan Chen, Xiaomei Yang, Zhengqin Xiong, andJianwen Zou*. 2012. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice seedling nurseries under flooding and moist irrigation regimes in Southeast China.Science of the Total Environment, 426: 166-171.(SCI, IF=3.536).STOTEN2-article.pdf
16.Shuwei Liu, Yanmei Qin,Jianwen Zou*and Qiaohui Liu. 2010. Effects of water regime during rice-growing season on annual direct N2O emissions in a paddy rice-winter wheat rotation system in southeastChina.Science of the Total Environment, 408: 906-913. (SCI, IF=3.536)article-stoten.pdf
17.Lu yanyu, Yao Huang, andJianwen Zou. 2006. An inventory of N2O emissions from agriculture inChinausing precipitation-rectified emission factor and background emission.Chemosphere, 65: 1915-1924. (IF=3.613).CHEMOSPHERE PAPER.pdf
18.Jianwen Zou*, Shuwei Liu, Yanmei Qin, Genxing Pan and Dawei Zhu. 2009. Sewage irrigation increased methane and nitrous oxide emissions from rice paddies in southeastChina.Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,129: 516-522. (SCI, IF=3.969).AGEE article.pdf
19.Shutao Chen*, Yao Huang,Jianwen Zou, and Yanshu Shi. 2013. Mean residence time of global topsoil organic carbon depends on temperature, precipitation and soil nitrogen.Global and Planetary Change, 100: 99-108. (SCI, IF=3.918).GLOBAL1881.pdf
20.Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers,and Evan Siemann. 2008. Increased competitive ability and herbivory tolerance of the invasive plantSapium sebiferum.Biological Invasions, 10: 291=302. (SCI, IF=3.48).BioInvasions paper.pdf
21.Xunhua Zheng*, Baoling Mei, Yinghong Wang, Baohua Xie, Yuesi Wang, Haibo Dong, Hui Xu, Guanxiong Chen, Zucong Cai, Jin Yue, Jiangxin Gu, Fang Su,Jianwen Zou, and Jianguo Zhu. 2008. Quantification of N2O fluxes from soil-plant systems may be biased by the applied gas chromatograph methodology.Plant and Soil, 311:211-234. (SCI, IF=3.064).plant and soil-zheng.pdf
22.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Wenjuan Sun, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2005. Contribution of plants to N2O emissions from soil-winter wheat ecosystem: pot and field experiments.Plant and Soil, 269: 205-211. (SCI, IF=3.064).plant and soil paper.pdf
23.Jianwen Zou*, William E. Rogers,and Evan Siemann. 2009. Plasticity ofSapium sebiferumseedling growth to light and water resources: Inter- and intraspecific comparisons.Basic and Applied Ecology, 10: 79-88. (SCI, IF=2.873).BAAE article.pdf
24.Yanmei Qin, Shuwei Liu, Yanqin Guo, Qiaohui Liu, andJianwen Zou*. 2010. Methane and nitrous oxide emissions from organic and conventional rice cropping systems in Southeast China.Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46: 825-834. (SCI, IF=2.386).BFS-Article.pdf
25.Shutao Chen,YaoHuang, andJianwen Zou*. 2008. Relationship between nitrous oxide and winter wheat production.Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44: 985-989. (SCI, IF=2.386).BFS-Paper.pdf
26.Shutao Chen*, Yao Huang,Jianwen Zou, Yanshu Shi, Yanyu Lu, Wen Zhang, and Zhenghua Hu. 2012. Interannual variability in soil respiration from terrestrial ecosystems in China and its response to climate change.Science China (SER D)-Earth Sciences, 55: 2091-2098. (SCI, IF=1.42).
陈书涛,黄耀,邹建文,史艳姝,卢燕宇,张稳,胡正华. 2012.中国陆地生态系统土壤呼吸的年际间变异及其对气候变化的响应.中国科学:地球科学, 55: 1273-1281.SCIENCE CHINA.pdf中国陆地生态系统土壤呼吸的年际间变异及其对气候变化的响应.pdf
27.Jianwen Zou, Yao Huang, Xunhua Zheng, Yuesi Wang, and Yuquan Chen. 2004. Static opaque chamber-based technique for determination of net exchange of CO2between terrestrial ecosystem and atmosphere.Chinese Science Bulletin, 49 (4): 381-388. (SCI, IF=1.243).ZOU JW HUANG Y et al科学通报2004 49(4) 381-388.pdf
邹建文,黄耀,郑循华,王跃思,陈玉泉. 2004.基于静态暗箱法的陆地生态系统-大气CO2净交换估算.科学通报, 49 (3): 258-264.邹建文黄耀等科学通报2004 49(3) 258-264.pdf
28.Wenjuan Sun,YaoHuang*, Shutao Chen,Jianwen Zouand Xunhua Zheng. 2007. Tissue nitrogen and the corresponding net carbon fixation efficiency under different rates of nitrogen application.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 24: 55-64. (SCI, IF=0.981).2007 AAS.pdf
29.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Lianggang Zong, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2004. Carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane emissions from rice-winter wheat rotation system as affected by crop residue incorporation and temperature.Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 21: 691-698. (SCI, IF=0.981).AAS-2004(5)-691-698.pdf
30.Jianwen Zou*, Yanyu Lu,YaoHuang. 2009. Quantifying direct N2O emissions from paddy fields during rice growing season in MainlandChinain 1980s and 1990s. (In Singh Eds.)Climate Change and Crops. Springer Co., ISBN: 978-3-540-88245-9 (http://www.springer.com/978-3-540-88245-9), pp. 191-212.
31.Jianwen Zou*,YaoHuang, Lianggang Zong, Jingyan Jiang, Xunhua Zheng and Yuesi Wang. 2003. Effects of water regime and straw application in paddy rice season on N2O emissions from following wheat growing season.Agricultural Sciences inChina, 2(1): 68-74.
32.邹建文,黄耀,宗良纲,蒋静艳,郑循华,王跃思. 2003.稻田灌溉和秸秆施用对后季麦田N2O排放的影响.中国农业科学, 36 (4): 409-414.