Professor Lianqing Li is a senior soil and fertilizer scientist at IREEA. She obtained a Ph D degree in soil science in 2001. Her main interests are on soil quality and fertility research as well as studies on metal remediation technologies. She has particular expertise of biochar effects on soil fertility, crop productivity as well as metal stabilization with biochar. Contact: Tel.: +86 25 84398657; Email:lqli@njau.edu.cn
1998.9-2001.9 南京农业大学攻读博士,博士论文题目:几种农业土壤微团聚体间物质分异及环境意义。
1991.9-1994.7 中国农业大学攻读硕士,研究磁化流体射流曝气处理畜禽污水的效应研究。
1985.7-1989.7 山西农业大学土化系攻读学士。
1994.7-1998.9 山西农业大学任教 讲师
2001.5-2004.3 南京农业大学任教。 副教授, 承担过《土壤微生物生态》、《污染生态学》、《土壤学》、《农业环境保护概论》、《土壤环境学》等课程的教学
2005.3-2006.7美国加州大学河边分校环境科学系环境化学与环境微生物学访问学者(合作者:Andrew Chang教授和David Crowley教授)
2009.1- 南京农业大学资环学院,教授
(1)Li, L., Zhang , X. H., Zhang, P. J., Pan, G. X, 2007.Variation of organic carbon and nitrogen in aggregate size fractions of a paddy soil under fertilisation practices from Tai Lake Region, China,Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture,2007, 87:DOI:10.1002/jsaf.2806
(2)Zheng J, Zhang X, Li L, Pan G, Effect of long-term fertilization on C mineralization and production of CH4 and CO2 under anaerobic incubation from bulk sample and particle size fractions of a typical paddy soil. Agricultural , Ecosystem and Environment, 2006.doi:10.10.1016/j.agge.2006.07.008
(3)Zhang P, Zheng J, Pan G, Li L,Changes in Microbial Community Structure and Function within Particle Size Fractions of a Paddy Soil under Long-Term Different Fertilization Treatments from the Tai Lake Region, China,Collids and surfaces B: Biointerfaces,submit.
(4)张平究,李恋卿,潘根兴,张俊伟, 2004,长期不同施肥下太湖地区黄泥土表土微生物碳氮量及基因多样性变化,生态学报,24(12):2818-2824
(5)李恋卿,潘根兴等.太湖地区水稻土土壤颗粒中有机碳和重金属元素的分布及其对环境变化的响应.环境科学学报, 2001, 21(5):607-612
(6)李恋卿,潘根兴,张平究等.植被恢复对退化红壤表层土壤颗粒中有机碳和Pb、Cd分布的影响,生态学报,2001,21(11): 1769-1774
(7)李恋卿,潘根兴,张旭辉.退化红壤植被恢复中表层土壤微团聚体及有机碳的变化.土壤通报, 2000, 5:193~195
(9)张旭辉,李恋卿,潘根兴,不同轮作制度对淮北白浆土微团聚体及有机碳的积累和分布的影响.生态学杂志, 2001,20 (2): 16~19
(10)丁爱芳,潘根兴,李恋卿.太湖地区几种水稻土团聚体颗粒中PAHs的分布及其环境意义.环境科学学报, 2006, 26(2):293-299