Professor Peter Smith



After obtaining a PhD in 1991, Pete Smith worked as a Higher- then Senior-Scientific Officer at the MAFF Central Science Laboratory until 1994. He then worked as a Band 6 and Band 5 Senior Research Scientist at Rothamsted Research before joining the University of Aberdeen as a Senior Lecturer in 2001. He became a Reader in 2003, and Professor of Soils & Global Change in 2005. His main areas of expertise are in modelling greenhouse gas / carbon mitigation, bio-energy for fossil fuel offsets, and biological carbon sequestration. He is co-leader with Dr Jo Smith of the Environmental Modelling Group  (2 Academic staff, 19 Post-docs, 8 PhDs). He is Science Director of Scotland's Climate Change Centre of Expertise.

He is a Royal Society-Wolfson Research Merit Award holder (2008-2013), Royal Society Research Fellow (2008-2013), Fellow of the Society of Biology (FSB; elected 2008), Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh (FRSE; elected 2009), and a Rothamsted Research Fellow (2010-2013). 

Research Interests

Soil modelling, Global change impacts on ecosystems, Soils and agricultural options to mitigate climate change, Soil and agricultural sustainability, Soils in the global carbon cycle, Ecosystem modelling 

Current Research

Numerous projects on the above areas funded mainly by the research councils and the EU


External Responsibilities

Science Director of Scotland's Climate Change Centre of Expertise [ClimateXChange] (2011-2016); Member of Defra's Science Advisory Council (2011-present); Convening Lead Author for Agriculture and Forestry Chapter of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fifth Assessment Report, Mitigation volume (2010-present). Convening Lead Author of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Fourth Assessment Report, Mitigation volume, Chapter 8 Agriculture (2004-2007); Lead Author of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Good Practice Guidelines 2006 (2004-2006); Convening Lead Author of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Good Practice Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Inventories for Land-Use, Land-Use Change & Forestry (2002-2004); Science Leader (and management committee member) for the UK community land surface model of the UK global climate model: JULES (soil C & N component) (2007-present); Expert Advisor on bioenergy issues to UK Committee on Climate Change (2011)Member of Programme Development Group for the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology (2008-present); UK National Ecosystem Assessment Expert Group Member (2009-2011); Coordinating Lead Author for UK National Ecosystem Assessment Chapter on Regulating Services (2009-2011); New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre's International Science Advisory Group (ISAG) (2010-present). UK Foresight Project on Global Food and Farming Futures, Expert Review Leader on Competition for Land (2009-2010); Royal Society of Edinburgh Convener for the Organismal and Environmental Biology sectional committee (2011-present); Royal Society of Edinburgh Fellowship Committee Member (2009-present); Royal Society of Edinburgh BP Fellowship Committee Member (2010-present); Steering Committee Member of European Union – Framework V/VI CarboEurope Consortium (2002-2003); Lead Author for the IPCC Special Report on Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (published in 2000); Member of IPCC/OECD Working Group on the IPCC Revised Guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories (1996); Chair of Global Change and Terrestrial Ecosystems (GCTE)'s Global Soil Organic Matter Network (SOMNET) (1996-2002); Co-leader of GCTE's research focus on Soil Organic Matter (1996-2000); Professorial selection committee for Danish Institute of Ag. Sciences (2002-2003); NERC/BBSRC Soil Science Advisory Committee member (2003-2008); Member of the International Geosphere Biosphere Program (IGBP) Global Carbon Cycle Project (1998-present); Chair and Convenor of EU-Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Initiative (TERI) Workgroup 8 (1999); Management Committee of EU-COST Action 627 "Carbon Storage in Grasslands" (2000-2006); Workgroup 3 (modelling) Chair of EU-COST Action 627 "Carbon Storage in Grasslands" (2000-2006); European Climate Change Programme Working Group Agriculture (WG7) member (2001); European Climate Change Programme Working Group "Soil Carbon Sinks" (WG7a) member (2002); European Climate Change Programme Working Group Research (WG6) member (2001); Member of Scientific Organising Committee of European Society of Agronomy (ESA) annual modelling symposia 1999 and 2001; International Review Panel member of Australian Greenhouse Office National Carbon Accounting System (1999-present); International Scientific Steering Committee member of the Federal US-funded multi-institutional project on carbon sequestration in US agriculture, CASMGS (2001-2005); Steering Committee of International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development-International Policy Council Platform on Climate Change, Agriculture and Trade (2009-2010); UK Co Chair of Climate Mitigation and Adaptation Working Group of UK-China Sustainable Agriculture Innovation Network (2009-present); Associate Editor for the Journal of Environmental Quality (1997-2003); Editorial Board Member of: Acta Agronomica Hungarica (1998-present); International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability (2006–present); Biaban / Desert (2006–present); Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment (2006-present); Journal of Subtropical Resources and Environment (2006-present); Greenhouse Gas Management & Measurement (2010-present). Editor of: Global Change Biology (2007-present); Global Change Biology Bioenergy (2009-present); Greenhouse Gas Measurement and Management (2010-present).



·         Bellarby, J., Tirado, R., Leip, A., Weiss, F., Lesschen, JP. & Smith, P. Livestock greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potential in Europe, Scientific review, 2013, Global Change Biology, 19, 1, pp3 - 18, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Blagodatsky, S. & Smith, P. Soil physics meets soil biology, Scientific review, 2012, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 47, pp78 - 92, ISSN/ISBN: 0038-0717

·         Carlton, RR., West, JS., Smith, P. & Fitt, BDL. A comparison of GHG emissions from UK field crop production under selected arable systems with reference to disease control, Article, 2012, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133, 1, pp333 - 351, ISSN/ISBN: 0929-1873

·         Smith, P., Albanito, F., Bell, M., Bellarby, J., Blagodatsky, S., Datta, A., Dondini, M., Fitton, N., Flynn, H., Hastings, AFSJ., Hillier, J., Jones, EO., Kuhnert, M., Nayak, DR., Pogson, M., Richards, M., Sozanska-Stanton, G., Wang, S., Yeluripati, JB., Bottoms, E., Brown, C., Farmer, J., Feliciano, D., Hao, C., Robertson, A., Vetter, S., Wong, HM. & Smith, JU. Systems approaches in global change and biogeochemistry research, Scientific review, 2012, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367, 1586, pp311 - 321, ISSN/ISBN: 0962-8436

·         Smith, P. Agricultural greenhouse gas mitigation potential globally, in Europe and in the UK, Scientific review, 2012, Global Change Biology, 18, 1, pp35 - 43, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Wang, S., Hastings, AFSJ. & Smith, P. An optimization model for energy crop supply, Article, 2012, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 4, 1, pp88 - 95, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Worrall, F., Davies, H., Bhogal, A., Lilly, A., Evans, M., Turner, K., Burt, T., Barraclough, D., Smith, P. & Merrington, G. The flux of DOC from the UK, Article, 2012, Journal of Hydrology, 448-449, 2, pp149 - 160, ISSN/ISBN: 0022-1694

·         Smith, J., Nayak, DR. & Smith, P. Avoid constructing wind farms on peat, Letter, 2012, Nature, 489, 7414 - 33, ISSN/ISBN: 0028-0836

·         Smith, P., Davies, CA., Ogle, S., Zanchi, G., Bellarby, J., Bird, N., Boddey, RM., McNamara, NP., Powlson, D., Cowie, A., van Noordwijk, M., Davis, SC., Richter, DdB., Kryzanowski, L., van Wijk, MT., Stuart, J., Kirton, A., Eggar, D., Newton-Cross, G., Adhya, TK. & Braimoh, AK. Towards an integrated global framework to assess the impacts of land use and management change on soil carbon, Scientific review, 2012, Global Change Biology, 18, 7, pp2089 - 2101, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Hillier, JG., Brentrup, F., Wattenbach, M., Walter, C., Garcia-Suarez, T., Mila-I-Canals, L. & Smith, P. Which cropland greenhouse gas mitigation options give the greatest benefits in different world regions?, Article, 2012, Global Change Biology, 18, 6, pp1880 - 1894, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Yang, Y., Fang, J., Ji, C., Ma, W., Mohammat, A., Wang, S., Wang, S., Datta, A., Robinson, D. & Smith, P. Widespread decreases in topsoil inorganic carbon stocks across China's grasslands during 1980s-2000s, Article, 2012, Global Change Biology, 18, 12, pp3672 - 3680, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Albanito, F., McAllister, JL., Cescatti, A., Smith, P. & Robinson, D. Dual-chamber measurements of d13C of soil-respired CO2 partitioned using a field-based three end-member model, Article, 2012, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 47, pp106 - 115, ISSN/ISBN: 0038-0717

·         Wang, S., Wang, S., Hastings, A., Pogson, M. & Smith, P. Economic and greenhouse gas costs of Miscanthus supply chains in the United Kingdom, Article, 2012, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 4, 3, pp358 - 363, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Gattinger, A., Muller, A., Haeni, M., Skinner, C., Fliessbach, A., Buchmann, N., Maeder, P., Stolze, M., Smith, P., Scialabba, NE. & Niggli, U. Enhanced top soil carbon stocks under organic farming, Article, 2012, PNAS, 109, 44, pp18226 - 18231, ISSN/ISBN: 0027-8424

·         Valentine, J., Clifton-Brown, J., Hastings, AFSJ., Robson, P., Allison, G. & Smith, P. Food vs. fuel, Scientific review, 2012, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 4, 1, pp1 - 19, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Reay, DS., Davidson, EA., Smith, KA., Smith, P., Melillo, JM., Dentener, F. & Crutzen, PJ. Global agriculture and nitrous oxide emissions, Scientific review, 2012, Nature climate change, 2, 6, pp410 - 416, ISSN/ISBN: 1758-678X

·         Gottschalk, P., Smith, JU., Wattenbach, M., Bellarby, J., Stehfest, E., Arnell, N., Osborne, T. & Smith, P. How will organic carbon stocks in mineral soils evolve under future climate?, Article, 2012, Biogeosciences, 9, pp411 - 451, ISSN/ISBN: 1726-4170

·         Bennetzen, EH., Smith, P., Soussana, J. & Porter, JR. Identity-based estimation of greenhouse gas emissions from crop production, Article, 2012, European Journal of Agronomy, 41, pp66 - 72, ISSN/ISBN: 1161-0301

·         Flynn, HC., Canals, LMI., Keller, E., King, H., Sim, S., Hastings, AFSJ., Wang, S. & Smith, P. Quantifying global greenhouse gas emissions from land-use change for crop production, Article, 2012, Global Change Biology, 18, 5, pp1622 - 1635, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Pogson, M., Hastings, A. & Smith, P. Sensitivity of crop model predictions to entire meteorological and soil input datasets highlights vulnerability to drought, Article, 2012, Environmental Modelling and Software, 29, 1, pp37 - 43, ISSN/ISBN: 1364-8152

·         Yang, Y., Ji, C., Ma, W., Wang, S., Wang, S., Han, W., Mohammat, A., Robinson, D. & Smith, P. Significant soil acidification across northern China's grasslands during 1980s-2000s, Article, 2012, Global Change Biology, 18, 7, pp2292 - 2300, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Setia, R., Smith, P., Marschner, P., Gottschalk, P., Baldock, J., Verma, V., Setia, D. & Smith, JU. Simulation of Salinity Effects on Past, Present, and Future Soil Organic Carbon Stocks, Article, 2012, Environmental Science & Technology, 46, 3, pp1624 - 1631, ISSN/ISBN: 0013-936X

·         Van Groenigen, K., Hastings, AFSJ., Forristal, D., Roth, B., Jones, M. & Smith, P. Soil storage as affected by tillage and straw management, Article, 2011, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 140, 1-2, pp218 - 225, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Martin, MP., Wattenbach, M., Smith, P., Meersmans, J., Jolivet, C., Boulonne, L. & Arrouays, D. Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon stocks in France, Article, 2011, Biogeosciences, 8, 5, pp1053 - 1065, ISSN/ISBN: 1726-4170

·         Hillier, JG., Walter, C., Malin, D., Garcia-Suarez, T., Mila-i-Canals, L. & Smith, P. A farm-focused calculator for emissions from crop and livestock production, Article, 2011, Environmental Modelling and Software, 26, 9, pp1070 - 10, 78, ISSN/ISBN: 1364-8152

·         Hashimoto, S., Wattenbach, M. & Smith, P. A new scheme for initializing process-based ecosystem models by scaling soil carbon pools, Article, 2011, Ecological Modelling, 222, 19, pp3598 - 3602, ISSN/ISBN: 0304-3800

·         Farmer, J., Matthews, R., Smith, JU., Smith, P. & Singh, BK. Assessing existing peatland models for their applicability for modelling greenhouse gas emissions from tropical peat soils, Scientific review, 2011, Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 5, pp339 - 349, ISSN/ISBN: 1877-3435

·         Bell, MJ., Worrall, F., Smith, P., Bhogal, A., Black, H., Lilly, A., Barraclough, D. & Merrington, G. UK land-use change and its impact on SOC, Article, 2011, Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 25, ISSN/ISBN: 0886-6236

·         Cheng, K., Pan, G., Smith, P., Luo, T., Li, L., Zheng, J., Zhang, X., Han, X. & Yan, M. Carbon footprint of China's crop production-An estimation using agro-statistics data over 1993-2007, Article, 2011, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 142, 3-4, pp231 - 237, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Pogson, MA., Hastings, AFSJ. & Smith, P. Choosing the right spatial data to drive models: Sensitivity of crop model predictions to meteorological and soil data, Article, 2011, Environmental Modelling and Software, 29, pp37 - 43, ISSN/ISBN: 1364-8152

·         Moran, D., MacLeod, M., Wall, E., Eory, V., McVittie, A., Barnes, A., Rees, RM., Topp, CFE., Pajot, G., Matthews, R., Smith, P. & Moxey, A. Developing carbon budgets for UK agriculture, land-use, land-use change and forestry out to 2022, Article, 2011, Climatic Change, 105, 3-4, pp529 - 553, ISSN/ISBN: 0165-0009

·         Yan, X., Cai, Z., Wang, S. & Smith, P. Direct measurement of soil organic carbon content change in the croplands of China, Article, 2011, Global Change Biology, 17, 3, pp1487 - 1496, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Koga, N., Smith, P., Yeluripati, JB., Shirato, Y., Kimura, SD. & Nemoto, M. Estimating net primary production and annual plant carbon inputs, and modelling future changes in soil carbon stocks in arable farmlands of northern Japan, Article, 2011, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 144, 1, pp51 - 60, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Fitton, N., Ejerenwa, CP., Bhogal, A., Edgington, P., Black, H., Lilly, A., Barraclough, D., Worrall, F., Hillier, J. & Smith, P. Greenhouse gas mitigation potential of agricultural land in Great Britain, Article, 2011, Soil Use & Management, 27, 4, pp491 - 501, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Richter, Dd., Bacon, AR., Mobley, ML., Richardson, CJ., Andrews, SS., West, L., Wills, S., Billings, S., Cambardella, CA., Cavallaro, N., DeMeester, JE., Franzluebbers, AJ., Grandy, AS., Grunwald, S., Gruver, J., Hartshorn, AS., Janzen, H., Kramer, MG., Ladha, JK., Lajtha, K., Liles, GC., Markewitz, D., Megonigal, PJ., Mermut, AR., Rasmussen, C., Robinson, DA., Smith, P., Stiles, CA., Tate, RL., Thompson, A., Tugel, AJ., van Es, H., Yaalon, D. & Zobeck, TM. Human-Soil Relations are Changing Rapidly, Article, 2011, Soil Science Society of America Journal, 75, 6, pp2079 - 2084, ISSN/ISBN: 0361-5995

·         Setia, R., Smith, P., Marschner, P., Baldock, J., Chittleborough, D. & Smith, J. Introducing a Decomposition Rate Modifier in the Rothamsted Carbon Model to Predict Soil Organic Carbon Stocks in Saline Soils, Article, 2011, Environmental Science & Technology, 45, 15, pp6396 - 6403, ISSN/ISBN: 0013-936X

·         Hashimoto, S., Wattenbach, M. & Smith, P. Litter carbon inputs to the mineral soil of Japanese Brown forest soils, Article, 2011, Journal of Forest Research, 16, 1, pp16 - 25, ISSN/ISBN: 1341-6979

·         Setia, R., Marschner, P., Baldock, J., Chittleborough, D., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. Salinity effects on carbon mineralization in soils of varying texture, Article, 2011, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 43, 9, pp1908 - 1916, ISSN/ISBN: 0038-0717

·         Yang, Y., Fang, J., Ma, W., Smith, P., Mohammat, A., Wang, S. & Wang, W. Soil carbon stock and its changes in northern China's grasslands from 1980s to 2000s, Article, 2010, Global Change Biology, 16, 11, pp3036 - 3047, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Bahn, M., Janssens, IA., Reichstein, M., Smith, P. & Trumbore, SE. Soil respiration across scales, Editorial, 2010, New Phytologist, 186, 2, pp292 - 296, ISSN/ISBN: 0028-646X

·         Sus, O., Williams, M., Bernhofer, C., Beziat, P., Buchmann, N., Ceschia, E., Doherty, R., Eugster, W., Gruenwald, T., Kutsch, W., Smith, P. & Wattenbach, M. A linked carbon cycle and crop developmental model, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp402 - 418, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Smith, P. & Olesen, JE. Synergies between the mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change in agriculture, Article, 2010, Journal of Agricultural Science, 148, 5, pp543 - 552, ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8596

·         Abdalla, M., Jones, M., Yeluripati, J., Smith, P., Burke, J. & Williams, M. Testing DayCent and DNDC model simulations of N2O fluxes and assessing the impacts of climate change on the gas flux and biomass production from a humid pasture, Article, 2010, Atmospheric Environment, 44, 25, pp2961 - 2970, ISSN/ISBN: 1352-2310

·         Ciais, P., Wattenbach, M., Vuichard, N., Smith, P., Piao, SL., Don, A., Luyssaert, S., Janssens, IA., Bondeau, A., Dechow, R., Leip, A., Smith, PC., Beer, C., van der Werf, GR., Gervois, S., Van Oost, K., Tomelleri, E., Freibauer, A., Schulze, ED. & CARBOEUROPE Synth Team. The European Greenhouse Gas Balance Revisited, Article, 2010, Global Change Biology, 16, 5, pp1409 - 1428, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Pan, G., Xu, X., Smith, P., Pan, W. & Lal, R. An increase in topsoil SOC stock of China's croplands between 1985 and 2006 revealed by soil monitoring, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 136, 1-2, pp133 - 138, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Wattenbach, M., Sus, O., Vuichard, N., Lehuger, S., Gottschalk, P., Li, L., Leip, A., Williams, M., Tomelleri, E., Kutsch, WL., Buchmann, N., Eugster, W., Dietiker, D., Aubinet, M., Ceschia, E., Béziat, P., Grünwald, T., Hastings, AFSJ., Osborne, B., Ciais, P., Cellier, P. & Smith, P. The carbon balance of European croplands, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp419 - 453, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Clark, JM., Gallego-Sala, AV., Allott, TEH., Chapman, SJ., Farewell, T., Freeman, C., House, JI., Orr, HG., Prentice, IC. & Smith, P. Assessing the vulnerability of blanket peat to climate change using an ensemble of statistical bioclimatic envelope models, Article, 2010, Climate Research, 45, 1, pp131 - U462, ISSN/ISBN: 0936-577X

·         Kutsch, WL., Aubinet, M., Buchmann, N., Smith, P., Osborne, B., Eugster, W., Wattenbach, M., Schrumpf, M., Schulze, ED., Tomelleri, E., Ceschia, E., Bernhofer, C., Beziat, P., Carrara, A., Di Tommasi, P., Gruenwald, T., Jones, M., Magliulo, V., Marloie, O., Moureaux, C., Olioso, A., Sanz, MJ., Saunders, M., Sogaard, H. & Ziegler, W. The net biome production of full crop rotations in Europe, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp336 - 345, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Clark, JM., Orr, HG., Freer, J., House, JI., Smith, P. & Freeman, C. Assessment of projected changes in upland environments using simple climatic indices, Article, 2010, Climate Research, 45, 1, pp87 - 104, ISSN/ISBN: 0936-577X

·         Bellarby, J., Wattenbach, M., Tuck, G., Glendining, MJ. & Smith, P. The potential distribution of bioenergy crops in the UK under present and future climate, Article, 2010, Biomass & Bioenergy, 34, 12, pp1935 - 1945, ISSN/ISBN: 0961-9534

·         Gallego-Sala, AV., Clark, JM., House, JI., Orr, HG., Prentice, IC., Smith, P., Farewell, T. & Chapman, SJ. Bioclimatic envelope model of climate change impacts on blanket peatland distribution in Great Britain, Article, 2010, Climate Research, 45, 1, pp151 - 162, ISSN/ISBN: 0936-577X

·         Smith, P., Falloon, P. & Kutsch, WL. The role of soils in the Kyoto Protocol, Chapter, 2010, Soil Carbon Dynamics, pp245 - 256

·         Nayak, DR., Miller, D., Andrew Nolan, A., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. Calculating carbon budgets of wind farms on Scottish peatlands, Article, 2010, Mires and Peat, 4, ISSN/ISBN: 1819-754X

·         Pretly, J., Sutherland, WJ., Ashby, J., Auburn, J., Baulcombe, D., Bell, M., Bentley, J., Bickersteth, S., Brown, K., Burke, J., Campbell, H., Chen, K., Crowley, E., Crute, I., Dobbelaere, D., Edwards-Jones, G., Funes-Monzote, F., Godfray, HCJ., Griffon, M., Gypmantisiri, P., Haddad, L., Halavatau, S., Herren, H., Holderness, M., Izac, A., Jones, M., Koohafkan, P., Lal, R., Lang, T., McNeely, J., Mueller, A., Nisbett, N., Noble, A., Pingali, P., Pinto, Y., Rabbinge, R., Ravindranath, NH., Rola, A., Roling, N., Sage, C., Settle, W., Sha, JM., Luo Shiming, M., Simons, T., Smith, P., Strzepeck, K., Swaine, H., Terry, E., Tomich, TP., Toulmin, C., Trigo, E., Twomlow, S., Vis, JK., Wilson, J. & Pilgrim, S. The top 100 questions of importance to the future of global agriculture, Article, 2010, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8, 4, pp219 - 236, ISSN/ISBN: 1473-5903

·         Smith, P. & Fang, C. Carbon Cycle, Editorial, 2010, Nature, 464, 7288, pp499 - 500, ISSN/ISBN: 0028-0836

·         Hastings, AFSJ., Wattenbach, M., Eugster, W., Li, C., Buchmann, N. & Smith, P. Uncertainty propagation in soil greenhouse gas emission models, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 136, 1-2, pp97 - 110, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         House, JI., Orr, HG., Clark, JM., Gallego-Sala, AV., Freeman, C., Prentice, IC. & Smith, P. Climate change and the British Uplands, Editorial, 2010, Climate Research, 45, 1, pp3 - 12, ISSN/ISBN: 0936-577X

·         Smith, P., Gregory, PJ., van Vuuren, D., Obersteiner, M., Havlík, P., Rounsevell, M., Woods, J., Stehfest, E. & Bellarby, J. Competition for land, Article, 2010, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 365, 1554, pp2941 - 2957, ISSN/ISBN: 0962-8436

·         Smith, P., Bhogal, A., Edgington, P., Black, H., Lilly, A., Barraclough, D., Worrall, F., Hillier, J. & Merrington, G. Consequences of feasible future agricultural land-use change on soil organic carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions in Great Britain, Article, 2010, Soil Use & Management, 26, 4, pp381 - 398, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         MacLeod, M., Moran, D., Eory, V., Rees, RM., Barnes, A., Topp, CFE., Ball, B., Hoad, S., Wall, E., McVittie, A., Pajot, G., Matthews, R., Smith, P. & Moxey, A. Developing greenhouse gas marginal abatement cost curves for agricultural emissions from crops and soils in the UK, Article, 2010, Agricultural Systems, 103, 4, pp198 - 209, ISSN/ISBN: 0308-521X

·         Smith, J., Gottschalk, P., Bellarby, J., Chapman, S., Lilly, A., Towers, W., Bell, J., Coleman, K., Nayak, D., Richards, M., Hillier, J., Flynn, H., Wattenbach, M., Aitkenhead, M., Yeluripati, J., Farmer, J., Milne, R., Thomson, A., Evans, C., Whitmore, A., Falloon, P. & Smith, P. Estimating changes in Scottish soil carbon stocks using ECOSSE. I. Model description and uncertainties, Article, 2010, Climate Research, 45, 1, pp179 - 192, ISSN/ISBN: 0936-577X

·         Smith, J., Gottschalk, P., Bellarby, J., Chapman, S., Lilly, A., Towers, W., Bell, J., Coleman, K., Nayak, D., Richards, M., Hillier, J., Flynn, H., Wattenbach, M., Aitkenhead, M., Yeluripati, J., Farmer, J., Milne, R., Thomson, A., Evans, C., Whitmore, A., Falloon, P. & Smith, P. Estimating changes in Scottish soil carbon stocks using ECOSSE. II. Application, Article, 2010, Climate Research, 45, 1, pp193 - 205, ISSN/ISBN: 0936-577X

·         Porter, R., Challinor, A., Ewert, F., Falloon, P., Fischer, T., Gregory, P., Van Ittersum, MK., Olesen, JE., Moore, KJ., Rosenzweig, C. & Smith, P. Food Security, Letter, 2010, Science, 328, 5975, pp172 - 173, ISSN/ISBN: 0036-8075

·         Flynn, HC. & Smith, P. Greenhouse gas budgets of crop production and the mitigation potential of nutrient management, Conference contribution, 2010, The International Fertiliser Society, 670

·         Flynn, HC. & Smith, P. Greenhouse gas budgets of crop production, Commissioned Report, 2010

·         Tirado, R., Gopikrishna, SR., Krishnan, R. & Smith, P. Greenhouse gas emissions and mitigation potential from fertilizer manufacture and application in India, Article, 2010, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8, 3, pp176 - 185, ISSN/ISBN: 1473-5903

·         Eglin, T., Ciais, P., Piao, SL., Barre, P., Bellassen, V., Cadule, P., Chenu, C., Gasser, T., Koven, C., Reichstein, M. & Smith, P. Historical and future perspectives of global soil carbon response to climate and land-use changes, Article, 2010, Tellus B, 62, 5, pp700 - 718, ISSN/ISBN: 0280-6509

·         Carlton, R., Berry, P. & Smith, P. Impact of crop yield reduction on greenhouse gas emissions from compensatory cultivation of pasture and forested land, Article, 2010, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 8, 3, pp164 - 175, ISSN/ISBN: 1473-5903

·         Dawson, JJC. & Smith, P. Integrative management to mitigate diffuse pollution in multi-functional landscapes, Scientific review, 2010, Current Opinion in Envi, ronmental Sustainability, 2, 5-6, pp375 - 382, ISSN/ISBN: , 1877-3435

·         Osborne, B., Saunders, M., Walmsley, D., Jones, M. & Smith, P. Key questions and uncertainties associated with the assessment of the cropland greenhouse gas balance, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp293 - 301, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Eugster, W., Moffat, AM., Ceschia, E., Aubinet, M., Ammann, C., Osborne, B., Davis, PA., Smith, P., Jacobs, C., Moors, E., Le Dantec, V., Beziat, P., Saunders, M., Jans, W., Gruenwald, T., Rebmann, C., Kutsch, WL., Czerny, R., Janous, D., Moureaux, C., Dufranne, D., Carrara, A., Magliulo, V., Di Tommasi, P., Olesen, JE., Schelde, K., Olioso, A., Bernhofer, C., Cellier, P., Larmanou, E., Loubet, B., Wattenbach, M., Marloie, O., Sanz, M., Sogaard, H. & Buchmann, N. Management effects on European cropland respiration, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp346 - 362, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Ceschia, E., Beziat, P., Dejoux, JF., Aubinet, M., Bernhofer, C., Bodson, B., Buchmann, N., Carrara, A., Cellier, P., Di Tommasi, P., Elbers, JA., Eugster, W., Gruenwald, T., Jacobs, CMJ., Jans, WWP., Jones, M., Kutsch, W., Lanigan, G., Magliulo, E., Marloie, O., Moors, EJ., Moureaux, C., Olioso, A., Osborne, B., Sanz, MJ., Saunders, M., Smith, P., Soegaard, H. & Wattenbach, M. Management effects on net ecosystem carbon and GHG budgets at European crop sites, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp363 - 383, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Smith, P., Lanigan, G., Kutsch, WL., Buchmann, N., Eugster, W., Aubinet, M., Ceschia, E., Béziat, P., Yeluripati, J., Osborne, B., Moors, EJ., Brut, A., Wattenbach, M., Saunders, M. & Jones, M. Measurements necessary for assessing the net ecosystem carbon budget of croplands, Article, 2010, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 139, 3, pp302 - 315, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Gill, EM., Smith, P. & Wilkinson, JM. Mitigating climate change, Article, 2010, Animal , 4, 3, pp323 - 333, ISSN/ISBN: 1751-7311

·         Falloon, P. & Smith, P. Modelling soil carbon dynamics, Chapter, 2010, Soil Carbon Dynamics, pp221 - 244

·         Chiti, T., Papale, D., Smith, P., Dalmonech, D., Matteucci, G., Yeluripati, J., Rodeghiero, M. & Valentini, R. Predicting changes in soil organic carbon in mediterranean and alpine forests during the Kyoto Protocol commitment periods using the CENTURY model, Article, 2010, Soil Use & Management, 26, 4, pp475 - 484, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Gottschalk, P., Bellarby, J., Chenu, C., Foereid, B., Smith, P., Wattenbach, M., Zingore, S. & Smith, J. Simulation of soil organic carbon response at forest cultivation sequences using C-13 measurements, Article, 2010, Organic Geochemistry, 41, 1, pp41 - 54, ISSN/ISBN: 0146-6380

·         Nieto, OM., Castro, J., Fernández, E. & Smith, P. Simulation of soil organic carbon stocks in a Mediterranean olive grove under different soil-management systems using the RothC model, Article, 2010, Soil Use & Management, 26, 2, pp118 - 125, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Abdalla, M., Wattenbach, M., Smith, P., Ambus, P., Jones, A. & Williams, M. Application of the DNDC model to predict emissions of N2O from Irish agriculture, Article, 2009, Geoderma, 151, 3-4, pp327 - 337, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Hillier, JG., Hawes, C., Squire, G., Hilton, A., Wale, S. & Smith, P. The carbon footprints of food crop production, Article, 2009, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 7, 2, pp107 - 118, ISSN/ISBN: 1473-5903

·         Hastings, A., Clifton-Brown, J., Wattenbach, M., Mitchell, P. & Smith, P. The development of MISCANFOR, a new Miscanthus crop growth model, Article, 2009, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 1, 2, pp154 - 170, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Yeluripati, J., van Oijen, M., Wattenbach, M., Neftel, A., Ammann, A., Parton, WJ. & Smith, P. Bayesian calibration as a tool for initialising the carbon pools of dynamic soil models, Article, 2009, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41, 12, pp2579 - 2583, ISSN/ISBN: 0038-0717

·         Dondini, M., Hastings, AFSJ., Saiz, G., Jones, MB. & Smith, P. The potential of Miscanthus to sequester carbon in soils, Article, 2009, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 1, 6, pp413 - 425, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Pan, G., Smith, P. & Pan, W. The role of soil organic matter in maintaining the productivity and yield stability of cereals in China, Article, 2009, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 129, 1-3, pp344 - 348, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Ostle, NJ., Levy, PE., Evans, C. & Smith, P. UK land use and soil carbon sequestration, Scientific review, 2009, Land Use Policy, 26, Supplement 1, ppS274 - S283, ISSN/ISBN: 0264-8377

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Betts, R., Jones, CJ., Smith, JU., Hemming, D. & Challinor, A. Carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas fluxes from cropland soils, Chapter, 2009, Climate Change and Crops, pp81 - 111

·         Yang, Y., Fang, J., Smith, P., Tang, Y., Chen, A., Ji, C., Hu, H., Rao, S., Tan, K. & He, J. Changes in topsoil carbon stock in the Tibetan grasslands between the 1980s and 2004, Article, 2009, Global Change Biology, 15, 11, pp2723 - 2729, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Pan, G., Zhou, P., Li, Z., Smith, P., Li, L., Qiu, D., Zhang, X., Xu, X., Shen, S. & Chen, X. Combined inorganic/organic fertilization enhances N efficiency and increases rice productivity through organic carbon accumulation in a rice paddy from the Tai Lake region, China, Article, 2009, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 131, 3-4, pp274 - 280, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Schneider, UA. & Smith, P. Energy intensities and greenhouse gas emission mitigation in global agriculture, Article, 2009, Energy Efficiency, 2, 2, pp195 - 206, ISSN/ISBN: 1570-646X

·         Hastings, A., Clifton-Brown, J., Wattenbach, M., Mitchell, CP., Stampfl, P. & Smith, P. Future energy potential of Miscanthus in Europe, Article, 2009, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 1, 2, pp180 - 196, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Hillier, JG., Whittaker, C., Dailey, G., Aylott, M., Casella, E., Richter, GM., Riche, A., Murphy, R., Taylor, G. & Smith, P. Greenhouse gas emissions from four bioenergy crops in England and Wales, Article, 2009, Global Change Biology. Bioenergy, 1, 4, pp267 - 281, ISSN/ISBN: 1757-1693

·         Liao, Q., Zhang, X., Li, Z., Pan, G., Smith, P., Jin, Y. & Wu, X. Increase in soil organic carbon stock over the last two decades in China's Jiangsu Province, Article, 2009, Global Change Biology, 15, 4, pp861 - 875, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Ostle, NJ., Smith, P., Fisher, R., Woodward, FI., Fisher, JB., Smith, JU., Galbraith, D., Levy, P., Meir, P., McNamara, N. & Bardgett, RD. Integrating plant-soil interactions into global carbon cycle models, Scientific review, 2009, Journal of Ecology, 97, 5, pp851 - 863, ISSN/ISBN: 0022-0477

·         Carlton, R., Berry, P. & Smith, P. Investigating the interplay between UK crop yields, soil organic carbon stocks and greenhouse gas emissions, Article, 2009, Aspects of Applied Biology, 95, pp59 - 64, ISSN/ISBN: 0265-1491

·         Abdalla, M., Jones, AM., Smith, P. & Williams, M. Nitrous oxide fluxes and denitrification sensitivity to temperature in Irish pasture soils, Scientific review, 2009, Soil Use & Management, 25, 4, pp376 - 388, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Frogbrook, ZL., Bell, J., Bradley, RI., Evans, C., Lark, RM., Reynolds, B., Smith, P. & Towers, W. Quantifying terrestrial carbon stocks, Article, 2009, Soil Use & Management, 25, 3, pp320 - 332, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Hillier, JG., Dailey, G., Aylott, M., Riche, A., Taylor, G., Richter, G. & Smith, P. Spatial predictions of greenhouse gas emissions associated with production of Miscanthus and short rotation coppice in the UK, Special issue, 2008, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 150, 3 Supplement 1, ppS181 - S182, ISSN/ISBN: 1095-6433

·         Hillier, JG., Smith, P., Hilton, A. & Wale, S. The carbon footprint of potato production, Article, 2008, Potato Newsletter, Spring 2008, pp2 - 5, ISSN/ISBN: 1755-9057

·         Dendoncker, N., van Wesemael, B., Smith, P., Lettens, S., Roelandt, C. & Rounsevell, M. Assessing scale effects on modelled soil organic carbon contents as a result of land use change in Belgium, Article, 2008, Soil Use & Management, 24, 1 - 818, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Clifton-Brown, J., Hastings, AFSJ., Smith, P., Stampfl, P., Valentine, J., Jones, M. & Donnison, I. Bioenery technology, Article, 2008, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology. Part B, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 150, 3 Suppl. 1, ppS174 - S175, ISSN/ISBN: 1096-4959

·         Nayak, DR., Miller, D., Nolan, A., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. Calculating carbon savings from wind farms on Scottish peat lands, Other Report, 2008

·         Smith, P. Commentary, Editorial, 2008, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 6, 3, pp169 - 170, ISSN/ISBN: 1473-5903

·         Bellarby, J., Foereid, B., Hastings, AFSJ. & Smith, P. Cool Farming, Commissioned Report, 2008

·         St Clair, S., Hillier, JG. & Smith, P. Estimating the pre-harvest greenhouse gas costs of energy crop production, Article, 2008, Biomass & Bioenergy, 32, 5, pp442 - 452, ISSN/ISBN: 0961-9534

·         Smith, P. For peat's sake, Letter, 2008, New Scientist, 198, 2658, pp22 - 22, ISSN/ISBN: 0262-4079

·         Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, H., Kumar, P., McCarl, B., Ogle, S., O'Mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, B., Sirotenko, O., Howden, M., McAllister, T., Pan, G., Romanenkov, V., Schneider, U., Towprayoon, S., Wattenbach, M. & Smith, J. Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture, Scientific review, 2008, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B: Biological sciences, 363, 1492, pp789 - 813, ISSN/ISBN: 0264-3960

·         Smith, P., Fang, C., Dawson, JJC. & Moncrieff, JB. Impact of global warming on soil organic carbon, Book/Film/Article review, 2008, Advances in Agronomy, 97, pp1 - 43, ISSN/ISBN: 0065-2113

·         Hastings, AFSJ., Clifton-Brown, J., Wattenbach, M., Stampfl, P., Mitchell, CP. & Smith, P. Potential of Miscanthus to meet Europe's energy needs and reduce greenhouse emissions for future climate scenarios, Article, 2008, Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 28, 4, pp465 - 472, ISSN/ISBN: 1774-0746

·         Dendrocker, N., van Wesemael, B., Smith, P., Lettens, B., Roelandt, C. & Rounsevell, MD. Projecting changes in agricultural soil carbon stocks, Article, 2008, Soil Use & Management, 24, 1, pp8 - 18, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Schils, R., Kuikman, P., Liski, J., van Oijen, M., Smith, P., Webb, J., Alm, J., Somogyi, Z., van den Akker, J., Billett, M., Evans, C., Lindner, M., Palosuo, T., Bellamy, P., Jandl, R. & Hiederer, R. Review of existing information on the iterrelations between soil and climate change, Other Report, 2008

·         Barker, T., Bashmakov, I., Bernstein, L., Bogner, J., Bosch, P., Dave, R., Davidson, O., Fisher, B., Grubb, M., Gupta, S., Halsnaes, K., Heij, B., Kahn Ribiero, S., Kobayashi, S., Levine, M., Martino, D., Masera Cerutti, O., Metz, B., Meyer, L., Nabuurs, G., Najam, A., Nakicenovic, N., Rogner, HH., Roy, J., Sathaye, J., Schock, R., Shukla, P., Sims, R., Smith, P., Swart, R., Tirpak, D., Urge-Vorsatz, D. & Dadi, Z. Summary for Policymakers, Chapter, 2007, Climate change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change, pp1 - 24

·         Barker, T., Bashmakov, I., Bernstein, L., Bogner, J., Bosch, P., Dave, R., Davidson, O., Fisher, B., Grubb, M., Gupta, S., Halsnaes, K., Heij, B., Kahn Ribiero, S., Kobayashi, S., Levine, M., Martino, D., Masera Cerutti, O., Metz, B., Meyer, L., Nabuurs, G., Najam, A., Nakicenovic, N., Rogner, H., Roy, J., Sathaye, J., Schock, R., Shukla, P., Sims, R., Smith, P., Swart, R., Tirpak, D., Urge-Vorsatz, D. & Zhou, D. Technical Summary. In Climate change 2007: Mitigation, Other contribution, 2007, Contribution of Working group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change

·         Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, H., Kumar, P., McCarl, B., Ogle, S., O'Mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, B., Sirotenko, O., Howden, M., McAllister, T., Pan, G., Romanenkov, V., Rose, S., Schneider, U., Towprayoon, S. & Wattenbach, M. Agriculture, Chapter, 2007, Contribution of Working group Climate Change 2007: Mitigation of Climate Change, pp497 - 540

·         Gottschalk, P., Wattenbach, M., Neftel, A., Fuhrer, J., Jones, M., Lanigan, G., Davis, P., Campbell, C., Soussana, J. & Smith, P. The role of measurement uncertainties for the simulation of grassland net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in Europe, Article, 2007, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 121, 1-2, pp175 - 185, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Porter, J., Bindi, M., Oleson, JE. & Smith, P. Biofuels are not to blame for food price rises, but we need a broader range of green options, Article, 2007, Times, The, ISSN/ISBN: 0140-0460

·         Smith, P. & Ineson, P. The soil carbon dioxide sink, Chapter, 2007, Greenhouse gas sinks, pp50 - 57

·         Dawson, JJC. & Smith, P. Carbon losses from soil and its consequences for land-use management, Scientific review, 2007, Science of the Total Environment, 382, 2-3, pp165 - 190, ISSN/ISBN: 0048-9697

·         Sutton, MA., Nemitz, E., Erisman, JW., Beier, C., Bahl, KB., Cellier, P., de Vries, W., Cotrufo, F., Skiba, U., Di Marco, C., Jones, S., Laville, P., Soussana, JF., Loubet, B., Twigg, M., Famulari, D., Whitehead, J., Gallagher, MW., Neftel, A., Flechard, CR., Herrmann, B., Calanca, PL., Schjoerring, JK., Daemmgen, U., Horvath, L., Tang, YS., Emmett, BA., Tietema, A., Penuelas, J., Kesik, M., Brueggemann, N., Pilegaard, K., Vesala, T., Campbell, CL., Olesen, JE., Dragosits, U., Theobald, MR., Levy, P., Mobbs, DC., Milne, R., Viovy, N., Vuichard, N., Smith, JU., Smith, P., Bergamaschi, P., Fowler, D. & Reis, S. Challenges in quantifying biosphere-atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species, Scientific review, 2007, Environmental Pollution, 150, 1, pp125 - 139, ISSN/ISBN: 0269-7491

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU., Franko, U., Kuka, K., Romanenkov, V., Shevtsova, LK., Wattenbach, M., Gottschalk, P., Sirotenko, O., Rukhovich, DI., Koroleva, PV., Romanenko, IA. & Lisovoi, NV. Changes in mineral soil organic carbon stocks in the croplands of European Russia and the Ukraine, 1990–2070; comparison of three models and implications for climate mitigation, Article, 2007, Regional Environmental Change, ISSN/ISBN: 1436-3798

·         Smith, P., Chapman, SJ., Scott, WA., Black, HIJ., Wattenbach, M., Milne, R., Campbell, CD., Lilly, A., Ostle, N., Levy, PE., Lumsdon, DG., Millard, P., Towers, W., Zaehle, S. & Smith, JU. Climate change cannot be entirely responsible for soil carbon loss observed in England and Wales, 1978-2003, Article, 2007, Global Change Biology, 13, 12, pp2605 - 2609, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU., Flynn, HC., Killham, KS., Rangel-Castro, JI., Foereid, B., Aitkenhead, M., Chapman, S., Towers, W., Bell, J., Lumsdon, D., Milne, R., Thomson, A., Simmons, I., Skiba, U., Reynolds, B., Evans, C., Frogbrook, Z., Bradley, I., Whitmore, A. & Falloon, P. ECOSSE - Estimating Carbon in Organic Soils Sequestration and Emissions, Other Report, 2007

·         Smith, JU. & Smith, P. Environmental Modelling, Book, 2007

·         Smith, P. Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture, Chapter, 2007, Encyclopedia of Earth

·         Standing, D., Baggs, EM., Wattenbach, M., Smith, P. & Killham, KS. Meeting the challenge of scaling up processes in the plant-soil-microbe system, Scientific review, 2007, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 44, 2, pp245 - 257, ISSN/ISBN: 0178-2762

·         Hastings, AFSJ., Clifton-Brown, J., Wattenbach, M., Mitchell, CP. & Smith, P. Mitigating carbon dioxide by the use of biofuels; quantifying the energy production and mitigation potential of Europe, Conference contribution, 2007, Proceedings of the SPE Europec/EAGE Annual conference and Exhibition held in London, United Kingdom, 11-14 June 2007, ppPaper SPE 107495 - PP

·         Peltoniemi, M., Thurig, E., Ogle, S., Palosuo, T., Schrumpf, M., Wutzler, T., Butterbach-Bahl, K., Chertov, O., Komarov, A., Mikhailov, A., Gardenas, A., Perry, C., Liski, J., Smith, P. & Makipaa, R. Models in country scale carbon accounting of forest soils, Article, 2007, Silva Fennica, 41, 3, pp575 - 602, ISSN/ISBN: 0037-5330

·         Reay, DS., Smith, P., Hymus, G. & Sabine, C. New Directions, Article, 2007, Atmospheric Environment, 41, 27, pp5813 - 5815, ISSN/ISBN: 1352-2310

·         Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, H., Kumar, P., McCarl, B., Ogle, S., O'Mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, B., Sirotenko, O., Howden, M., McAllister, T., Pan, G., Romanenkov, V., Schneider, U. & Towprayoon, S. Policy and technological constraints to implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation options in agriculture, Scientific review, 2007, Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 118, 1-4, pp6 - 28, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-8809

·         Smith, P., Franko, U. & Romanenkov, VA. Regional environmental change, Abstract, 2007

·         Wattenbach, M., Gottschalk, P., Hatterman, C., Rachimow, C., Flechsig, M. & Smith, P. A framework for assessing uncertainty in ecosystem models, Conference contribution, 2006, Proceedings of the iEMSs Third Biennial Meeting - Paper 373

·         Smith, P. & Trines, E. Agricultural measures for mitigating climate change, Article, 2006, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 4, 3, pp173 - 175, ISSN/ISBN: 1473-5903

·         Tuck, G., Glendining, MJ., Smith, P., House, JI. & Wattenbach, M. The potential distribution of bioenergy crops in Europe under present and future climate, Article, 2006, Biomass & Bioenergy, 30, 3, pp183 - 197, ISSN/ISBN: 0961-9534

·         Smith, P. Bio-energy, Article, 2006, Biologist, 53, 1, pp23 - 30, ISSN/ISBN: 0006-3347

·         Sutton, MA., Nemitz, E., Beier, C., Butterbach Bahl, K., Cellier, P., de Vries, W., Cotrufo, F., Skiba, U., Di Marco, C., Jones, S., Laville, P., Soussana, JF., Loubet, B., Twigg, M., Famulari, D., Whitehead, J., Gallagher, MW., Neftel, A., Flechard, CR., Herrmann, B., Calanca, PL., Mattsson, ME., Schjoerring, JK., Daemmgen, U., Horvath, L., Tang, YS., Campbell, C., Olsesen, JE., Dragosits, U., Theobald, M., Levy, P., Mobbs, D., Milne, R., Reido, M., Viovy, N., Smith, JU., Smith, P., Bergamaschi, P., Muller, J. & Fowler, D. Challenges in Quantifying Atmosphere, Conference contribution, 2006, Understanding and quatifying the atmospheric nitrogen cycle, pp55 - 73

·         Sims, REH., Hastings, AFSJ., Schlamadinger, B., Taylor, G. & Smith, P. Energy crops: current status and future prospects, Scientific review, 2006, Global Change Biology, 12, pp2054 - 2076, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, P., Falloon, P., Franko, U., Korschens, M., Lal, R., Paustian, K., Powlson, D., Romanenkov, V., Shevtsova, L. & Smith, JU. Greenhouse gas mitigation potential in agricultural soils, Chapter, 2006, Terrestrial ecosystems in a changing world, pp227 - 235

·         Trines, E., Hohne, N., Jung, M., Skutsch, M., Petsonk, A., Silva-Chavez, G., Smith, P., Nabuurs, G., Verweij, P. & Schlamadinger, B. Integrating agriculture, forestry and other land use in future climate regimes, Other Report, 2006

·         Fang, C., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. Is resistant soil organic matter more sensitive to temperature than labile organic matter?, Article, 2006, Biogeosciences Discussions, 3, 1, pp65 - 68, ISSN/ISBN: 1810-6277

·         Sutton, MA., Nemitz, E., Erisman, JW., Beier, C., Butterbach Bahl, K., Cellier, P., de Vries, W., Cotrufo, F., Skiba, U., Hensen, A., Bleeker, A., Laville, P., Loubet, B., Soussana, JF., Twigg, M., Famulari, D., Whitehead, J., Gallagher, MW., Calanca, PL., Tang, YS., Campbell, C., Olsesen, JE., Dragosits, U., Theobald, MR., Viovy, N., Vuichard, N., Smith, JU., Smith, P., Levy, P., Mobbs, D., Milne, R. & Fowler, D. Land atmosphere exchange of nitrogen species, Conference contribution, 2006, The changing chemical climate of the atmosphere, pp94 - 101

·         Smith, P. Limited increase of agricultural soil carbon and nitrogen stocks due to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations, Article, 2006, Journal of Crop Production, ISSN/ISBN: 1092-678X

·         Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, HH., Kumar, P., McCarl, B., O'Mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, RJ., Sirotenko, O., Howden, M., McAllister, T., Ogle, S., Pan, G., Romanenkov, V., Schneider, U., Towprayoon, S., Wattenbach, M. & Smith, JU. Managing non-forest ecosystems to reduce GHG emissions, Book, 2006

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU., Wattenbach, M., Meyer, J., Lindner, M., Zaehle, S., Hiederer, R., Jones, RGW., Montanarella, L., Rounsevell, MA., Reginster, I. & Kankaanpää, S. Projected changes in mineral soil carbon of European forests, 1990-2100., Article, 2006, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, 86, pp159 - 169, ISSN/ISBN: 0008-4271

·         Galbraith, D., Smith, P., Mortimer, N., Stewart, B., Hobson, M., McPherson, G., Matthews, R., Nijnik, M., Norris, J., Skiba, U., Smith, JU. & Towers, W. Review of greenhouse gas life cycle emissions, air pollution impacts and economics of biomass production and consumption in Scotland, Other Report, 2006

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Bradley, RI., Milne, R., Tomlinson, R., Viner, D., Livermore, M. & Brown, T. RothCUK - a dynamic modelling system for estimating changes in soil C from mineral soils at 1-km resolution in the UK, Article, 2006, Soil Use & Management, 22, 3, pp274 - 288, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Canadell, JG., Pataki, D., Gifford, R., Houghton, RA., Luo, Y., Raupach, MR., Smith, P. & Steffan, W. Saturation of the terrestrial carbon sink, Chapter, 2006, Terrestrial ecosystems in a changing world, pp59 - 78

·         Fang, C., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. A simple equation for simulating C decomposition in a multi-component pool of soil organic matter, Article, 2005, European Journal of Soil Science, 56, pp815 - 820, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Janssens, IA., Freibauer, A., Schlamadinger, B., Ceulemans, R., Ciais, P., Dolman, H., Heimann, M., Nabuurs, GJ., Smith, P., Valentini, R. & Schulze, ED. The carbon budget of terrestrial ecosystems at country-scale. A European case study, Article, 2005, Biogeosciences, 2, pp15 - 27, ISSN/ISBN: 1726-4170

·         Andersen, RS., Towers, W. & Smith, P. Assessing the potential for biomass energy to contribute to Scotland's renewable energy needs, Article, 2005, Biomass & Bioenergy, 29, 2, pp73 - 82, ISSN/ISBN: 0961-9534

·         Smith, P. & Falloon, P. Carbon sequestration in European croplands, Chapter, 2005, The Carbon Balance of Forest Biomes, 57, pp49 - 58

·         Smith, P. Carbon sequestration in croplands, Chapter, 2005, Biologische senken für atmosphärischen kohlenstoff, SH 280, pp63 - 70

·         Romanenkov, VA., Sirotenko, OD., Rukhovitch, DI., Romanenko, IA., Smith, P. & Franko, U. Carbon sequestration potential by arable soils in the European Russia 2000-2060, Abstract, 2005, pp81 - 82

·         Romanenkov, VA., Sirotenko, OD., Rukhovitch, DI., Romanenko, IA., Smith, P. & Franko, U. Carbon sequestration potential by arable soils in the European Russia, 2000-2070, Article, 2005, Latvian Journal of Agronomy, 8, pp75 - 80, ISSN/ISBN: 1691-3485

·         Flynn, HC., Smith, JU., Smith, KA., Wright, J., Smith, P. & Massheder, J. Climate- and crop-responsive emission factors significantly alter estimates of current and future nitrous oxide emissions from fertiliser use, Article, 2005, Global Change Biology, 11, 9, pp1522 - 1536, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Morales, P., Sykes, MT., Prentice, IC., Smith, P., Smith, N., Bugmann, H., Zierl, B., Friedlingstein, P., Viovy, N., Sabate, S., Sanchez, A., Pla, E., Gracia, CA., Sitch, S., Arneth, A. & Ogee, J. Comparing and evaluating process-based ecosystem model predictions of carbon and water fluxes in major European forest biomes, Article, 2005, Global Change Biology, 11, 12, pp2211 - 2233, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Wattenbach, M., Zaehle, S., Hiederer, R., Jones, RJA., Montanarella, L., Rounsevell, MA., Reginster, I. & Ewert, F. Projected changes in mineral soil carbon of European croplands and grasslands, 1990–2080, Article, 2005, Global Change Biology, 11, 12, pp2141 - 2152, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Fang, C., Smith, P., Moncrieff, JB. & Smith, JU. Similar response of labile and resistant soil organic matter pools to changes in temperature, Article, 2005, Nature, 433, pp57 - 59, ISSN/ISBN: 0028-0836

·         Smith, P. Soils as carbon sinks - the global context, Article, 2004, Soil Use & Management, 20, pp212 - 218, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Powlson, DS., Smith, P. & Greenland, D. Soils as carbon sinks, Special issue, 2004, Soil Use & Management, 20, 2 (Supplement), pp210 - 211, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P. Soils as sinks for carbon, Book/Film/Article review, 2004, Soil Use & Management, 20, 2 (Supplement), pp 212 - 218 , ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Dailey, AG., Glendining, MJ., Tuck, G. & Leech, P. The SUNDIAL model, Conference contribution, 2004, Controlling Nitrogen Flows and Losses

·         Rangel-Castro, JI., Prosser, JI., Scrimgeour, CM., Smith, P., Ostle, N., Ineson, P., Meharg, AA. & Killham, KS. Carbon flow in an upland grassland, Article, 2004, Global Change Biology, 10, 12, pp2100 - 2108, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Freibauer, A., Rounsevell, MA., Smith, P. & Verhagen, A. Carbon sequestration in European agricultural soils, Article, 2004, Geoderma, 122, pp1 - 23, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Smith, P. Carbon sequestration in croplands: the potential in Europe and the global context, Article, 2004, European Journal of Agronomy, 20, pp229 - 236, ISSN/ISBN: 1161-0301

·         Smith, P. Engineered biological sinks on land, Chapter, 2004, The Global Carbon Cycle , pp479 - 491

·         Smith, P. Greenhouse gas emissions from European croplands, Other Report, 2004, 2

·         Soussana, J., Saletes, S. & Smith, P. Greenhouse gas emissions from european grasslands, Other Report, 2004, 3

·         Smith, P. How long before a change in soil organic carbon can be detected?, Article, 2004, Global Change Biology, 10, 11, pp1878 - 1883, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Dailey, AG. & Glendining, MJ. How nitrate vulnerable zones can reduce the adverse environmental impact of productive arable agriculture, Conference contribution, 2004, Controlling Nitrogen Flows and Losses

·         Raupach, MR., Canadell, JP., Bakker, DCE., Ciais, P., Sanz, MJ., Fang, JY., Melillo, JM., Lankao, PR., Sathaye, JA., Shultze, ED., Smith, P. & Tschirley, J. Interactions between CO2 stabilization pathways and requirements for a sustainable earth system, Chapter, 2004, The Global Carbon Cycle, pp131 - 162

·         Falloon, PD., Powlson, DS. & Smith, P. Managing field margins for biodiversity and carbon sequestration, Article, 2004, Soil Use & Management, 20, 2, pp240 - 247, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P. Monitoring and verification of soil carbon changes under Article 3.4 of the Kyoto Protocol, Article, 2004, Soil Use & Management, 20, pp264 - 270, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         James, B., Smith, P. & Favoino, E. Organic Matter and Biodiversity, Other contribution, 2004, Organic Matter, 3, pp493 - 500

·         Smith, P. & Powlson, DS. Sustainability of soil management practices - a global perspective., Chapter, 2003, In: Soil Biological Fertility - A Key To Sustainable Land Use In Agriculture. (ed. Abbott,L. K.;Murphy,D. V.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Amsterdam

·         Smith, P. Accounting for changes in soil carbon under Kyoto: Long-term data-sets need to be improved to reduce uncertainty associated with model projections, Article, 2003, Soil Use & Management, 19, pp265 - 269, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Richter, GM., Agostini, FA. & Welham, SJ. Testing the adequacy of measured data for evaluating nitrogen turnover models by the dot-to-dot method, Article, 2003, European Journal of Soil Science, 54, 1, pp175 - 185, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Smith, P. Agricultural practice, soil carbon storage and CO2 emissions, Article, 2003, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 134, ISSN/ISBN: 1095-6433

·         Smith, P. Carbon sequestration in EU-15, Other, 2003

·         Falloon, PD. & Smith, P. for changes in soil carbon under Kyoto: Long-term data-sets need to be improved to reduce uncertainty associated with model projections, Article, 2003, Soil Use & Management, 19, pp265 - 269, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Falloon, P., Powlson, DS. & Smith, P. Climate change and soil organic matter, Article, 2003, ARIA News: the Official Publication of the Alberta Recording Industry Association, 9 - 4, ISSN/ISBN: 1187-2705

·         Shevtsova, L., Romanenkov, V., Sirotenko, O., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Leech, P., Kanzyvaa, S. & Rodionova, V. Effect of natural and agricultural factors on long-term soil organic matter dynamics in arable soils of the New Independent States-modelling and observation, Article, 2003, Geoderma, 116, pp165 - 190, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Janssens, IA., Freibauer, A., Ciais, P., Smith, P., Nabuurs, GJ., Folberth, G., Schlamadinger, B., Hutjes, RWA., Ceulemans, R., Schulze, D., Valentini, R. & Dolman, H. Europe’s terrestrial biosphere absorbs 7 to 12% of European anthropogenic CO2 emissions, Article, 2003, Science, 300, 5625, pp1538 - 1542, ISSN/ISBN: 0036-8075

·         Romanenkov, VA., Sirotenko, OD., Rodionova, VN., Kanzvaa, SO., Smith, P., Smith, JU. & Franko, U. Modeling soil carbon sinks for different agricultural systems in soddy-podzolic soils of Russia Practical solutions for managing optimum C and N content in agricultural soils. II, Abstract, 2003, pp26 - 27

·         Smith, P. Potential impact of climate change on carbon stocks of agricultural soils., Other contribution, 2003

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Macdonald, AJ. & Monaghan, R. Reply to comment on "When is a measured soil organic matter fraction equivalent to a model pool?, Article, 2003, European Journal of Soil Science, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., MacDonald, AJ. & Monaghan, R. Reply to comments on 'When is a measured soil organic matter fraction equivalent to a model pool?' by J. R.M Arah, Letter, 2003, European Journal of Soil Science, 54, 3, pp642 - 643, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Smith, P. Science Statement on Current Scientific Understanding of the Processes Affecting Terrestrial Carbon Stocks and Human Influences upon Them., Other contribution, 2003

·         Apps, M., Artaxo, P., Barrett, D., Canadell, J., Cescatti, A., Churkina, G., Ciais, P., Cianciala, E., Cox, P., Field, C., Heimann, M., Holland, E., Houghton, R., Jaramillo, V., Joos, F., Murdiyarso, D., Schimel, D., Kanninen, M., Kauffmann, JB., Kurz, W., Lasco, RD., Law, B., Malhi, Y., McMurtrie, R., Morikawa, Y., Murdiyarso, D., Nilsson, S., Ogana, WS., Peylin, P., Sala, O., Schimel, D., Smith, P., Zhou, G. & Zimov, S. Science Statement on Current Scientific Understanding of the Processes Affecting Terrestrial Carbon Stocks and Human Influences upon Them, Book, 2003

·         Smith, P. Soil and the environment: Role of soil in models for climate change, Chapter, 2002, In: Encyclopaedia of Soils in the Environment (ed. Hillel,D.;Rosenzweig,C.;Powlson,D.;Scow,K.;Singer,M.;Sparks,D.) Academic Press, London

·         Smith, P. The potential of US grazing lands to sequester carbon and mitigate the greenhouse effect: A book review, Book/Film/Article review, 2002, Geoderma, 105, pp148 - 149, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Powlson, DS., Christian, DG., Falloon, PD. & Smith, P. Biofuel crops: their potential contribution to decreased fossil carbon emissions and additional environmental benefits. Biomass and Energy Crops II, Article, 2002, Aspects of Applied Biology, 65, pp289 - 294, ISSN/ISBN: 0265-1491

·         Freibauer, A., Rounsvell, MDA., Smith, P. & Verhagen, J. Carbon Sequestration in European Agricultural Soils by 2010 - potential, uncertainty, policy impacts, Abstract, 2002

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Coleman, K., Hargreaves, PR. & Macdonald, AJ. Using dynamic simulation models and the "dot-to-dot" method to determine the optimum sampling times in field trials, Article, 2002, Soil Use & Management, 18, pp370 - 375, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P., Monaghan, R. & Macdonald, RJ. When is a measured soil organic matter fraction equivalent to a model pool?, Article, 2002, European Journal of Soil Science, 53, pp405 - 416, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Szabo, J., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Comparing estimates of regional C sequestration potential using GIS, dynamic SOM models, and simple relationships., Chapter, 2002, In: Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil (ed: Kimble,J. M.;Lal,R.;Follett,R. F.), Advances in Soil Science, Lewis Publishers, Boca Raton, pp141 - 154

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J., Pasztor, L., Smith, JU., Coleman, K. & Marshall, SJ. Comparing estimates of regional carbon sequestration potential using geographical information systems, dynamic soil organic matter models, and simple relationships, Conference contribution, 2002, Agricultural Practices and Policies for Carbon Sequestration in Soil

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J. & Pasztor, L. Comparison of approaches for estimating carbon sequestration at the regional scale, Article, 2002, Soil Use & Management, 18, pp164 - 174, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P. Effects of cultivation practice on carbon storage in arable soils and grassland, Chapter, 2002, In: Greenhouse gas inventories for agriculture in the Nordic countries (eds. Petersen,S. O.;Olesen,J. E.) DIAS Report Plant Production no. 81, DIAS, Tjele, Denmark, pp64 - 69

·         Franko, U., Schramm, G., Rodionova, V., Korschens, M., Smith, P., Coleman, K., Romanenkov, V. & Shevtsova, L. EuroSOMNET - a European database for long-term experiments on soil organic matter, Article, 2002, Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 33, pp233 - 239, ISSN/ISBN: 0168-1699

·         Smith, P., Falloon, PD., Korschens, M., Shevtsova, LK., Franko, U., Romanenkov, V., Coleman, K. & Rodionova, V. EuroSOMNET - a European database of long-term experiments on soil organic matter: the WWW metadatabase, Article, 2002, Journal of Agricultural Science, 138, pp123 - 134, ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8596

·         Smith, P. Global Climate Change and Pedogenic Carbonates: A book review, Book/Film/Article review, 2002, Geoderma, 104, pp180 - 182, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Falloon, PD. & Smith, P. Modelling soil C fluxes for the national CO2 inventory: challenges and opportunities, Abstract, 2002

·         Falloon, PD. & Smith, P. Simulating SOC dynamics in long-term experiments with RothC and Century: model evaluation for a regional scale application, Article, 2002, Soil Use & Management, 18, pp101 - 111, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Sirotenko, O., Shetsova, L., Romanenkov, V., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Ashman, M. & Leech, P. Simulation of SOM balance of Eastern Europe arable lands based on EuroSOMNET database, Abstract, 2002

·         Sirotenko, O., Shevtsova, L., Romanenkov, V., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Ashman, M. & Leech, P. Simulation of SOM balance of Eastern Europe arable lands based on EuroSOMNET database, Other contribution, 2002, Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Soil Science Vol 831, pp1 - 11

·         Smith, P. Soil Organic Matter Modelling, Chapter, 2001, In: Encyclopaedia of Soil Science (ed. Lal,R.) Marcel Dekker Inc., NY.

·     &nbs, p;   Smith, P., Falloon, PD., Smith, JU. & Pwlson, DS. Soil Organic Matter Network (SOMNET): 2001 Model and Experimental Metadata, Chapter, 2001, GCTE Report 7 (2nd Edition), GCTE Focus 3 Office, Wallingford, Oxon, pp1 - 224

·         Smith, P. & Toal, M. Approaches to modelling soil biota to predict the impacts of global change at the ecosystem level, Abstract, 2001

·         Schulze, D., Dolman, AJ., Jarvis, P., Valentini, R., Smith, P., Ciais, P., Grace, J. & Linder, S. The carbon sink: Absorption caoacity of the European terrestrial biosphere, Chapter, 2001, European Commission, DG-Research, EUR 19883, pp1 - 26

·         Smith, P., Falloon, PD., Powlson, DS. & Smith, JU. Carbon Mitigation Options in Agriculture: Improving our Estimates for Kyoto, Chapter, 2001, In: Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter (ed. Rees,R. M.;Ball,B. C.;Campbell,C. D.;Watson,C. A.) CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp324 - 329

·         Smith, P. Carbon Sequestration in Soils: Science, Monitoring and Beyond. A book review, Book/Film/Article review, 2001, European Journal of Soil Science, 52, pp171 - 172, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Smith, P. Verifying sinks under the Kyoto Protocol, Book, 2001, 01/03

·         Smith, P., Goulding, KW., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU., Falloon, PD. & Coleman, K. Enhancing the carbon sink in European agricultural soils: Including trace gas fluxes in estimates of carbon mitigation potential, Article, 2001, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 60, pp237 - 252, ISSN/ISBN: 1385-1314

·         Smith, P. Including trace gas fluxes in estimates of the carbon mitigation potential of UK agricultural land (vol.16, p251,2000), Article, 2001, Soil Use & Management, 17, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P. Manipulating terrestrial carbon sinks, Article, 2001, GCTE Research Highlights - Year 2001 - 3

·         Smith, P., Shetsova, LK., Ashman, M., Lisovoi, N., Romanenkov, V., Leech, P., Volodarskaya, I., Smith, JU. & Rodionova, V. Modelling Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in the Former Soviet Union Under Decreased Inorganic Fertilization Following Perestroika, Abstract, 2001

·         Smith, P. Modelling Soil-Biosphere Interactions. A bok review., Book/Film/Article review, 2001, European Journal of Soil Science, 52 - 171, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Szabo, J., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. SOM sustainability and agricultural management , Chapter, 2001, Sustainable Management of Soil Organic Matter , pp54 - 59

·         Schulze, D. & Smith, P. Sink capacity of European ecosystems, its variability, and options to protect and to enhance carbon sinks, Chapter, 2001, In: The carbon sink: Absorption capacity of the European terrestrial biosphere (eds. Shultze,D.;Dolman,A. J.;Jarvis,P.;Valentini,R.;Smith,P.;Ciais,P.;Grace,J.;Linder,S.;Bruning,C.), European Commission, DG-Research, EUR 19883, pp6 - 15

·         Powlson, DS. & Smith, P. Smokescreen exposed, Article, 2000, New Scientist - 51, ISSN/ISBN: 0262-4079

·         Smith, P., Bolton, S., Coleman, K., Ingram, J. & Sutton, M. TERICA Working Group 8. Policy conflicts:solving one problem creates another, Chapter, 2000, Terrestrial Ecosystems Research in Europe , pp94 - 100

·         Smith, P., Powlson, D., Smith, JU., Falloon, P., Coleman, K. & Goulding, K. Agricultural carbon mitigation options in Europe, Article, 2000, Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 48, 2, pp209 - 216, ISSN/ISBN: 0238-0161

·         Smith, P. The Carbon Cycle, Book/Film/Article review, 2000, Soil Use & Management, 16 - 295, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P., Whitmore, AP., Wechsung, F., Donatelli, M., Coleman, K., Yin, X., Cramer, W., Smith, JU. & Agostini, F. The MAGEC Project, Chapter, 2000, Terrestrial Ecosystems Research Europe, pp182 - 183

·         Smith, P. & Smith, TJF. Transport carbon costs do not negate the benefits of agricultural carbon mitigation options, Article, 2000, Ecology Letters, 3, 5, pp379 - 381

·         Smith, P. & Powlson, DS. Considering manure and carbon sequestration, Letter, 2000, Science, 287, 5452, pp428 - 429, ISSN/ISBN: 0036-8075

·         Powlson, DS. & Smith, P. Energy crops and climate change, Chapter, 2000, Biofuels and Bioenergy Crops COST Action Proceedings of meeting in Brussels, Belgium, October 2000

·         Awmack, CS., Smith, P. & Pinter, PJ. Global change and the challenges for agriculture and forestry, Article, 2000, Journal of Agricultural Science, 135, 2, pp199 - 201, ISSN/ISBN: 0021-8596

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. How important is inert organic matter for predictive soil carbon modelling using the Rothamsted carbon model?, Article, 2000, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 32, 3, pp433 - 436, ISSN/ISBN: 0038-0717

·         Smith, P. Implications of the Kyoto Protocol for Soil Science, Abstract, 2000

·         Smith, P., Goulding, KWT., Smith, KA., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU., Falloon, P. & Coleman, K. Including trace gas fluxes in estimates of the carbon mitigation potential of UK agricultural land, Article, 2000, Soil Use & Management, 16, pp251 - 259, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P., Powlson, D., Smith, JU., Falloon, P. & Coleman, K. Meeting Europe's climate change committments, Article, 2000, Global Change Biology, 6, 5, pp525 - 539, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU., Falloon, P. & Coleman, K. Meeting the UK's climate change commitments, Article, 2000, Soil Use & Management, 16, 1, pp1 - 11, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, P., Falloon, P., Coleman, K., Smith, JU., Piccolo, MC., Cerri, C., Bernoux, M., Jenkinson, DS., Ingram, J., Szabo, J. & Pasztor, L. Modeling soil carbon dynamics in tropical ecosystems, Chapter, 2000, Global Climate Change and Tropical Ecosystems, pp341 - 364

·         Romanya, J., Cortina, J., Falloon, P., Coleman, K. & Smith, P. Modelling changes in soil organic matter after planting fast growing Pinus radiata on Mediterranean agricultural soils, Article, 2000, European Journal of Soil Science, 51, 4, pp627 - 641, ISSN/ISBN: 1351-0754

·         Falloon, PD. & Smith, P. Modelling refractory soil organic matter, Scientific review, 2000, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 30, 5-6, pp388 - 398, ISSN/ISBN: 0178-2762

·         Smith, P., Bolton, S., Coleman, K., Ingram, J. & Sutton, M. Policy conflicts: solving one problem creates another - ecosystem and multi-sectorial perspectives, Other contribution, 2000, Terrestrial Ecosystem Research in Europe, pp94 - 100

·         Smith, P., Milne, R., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU., Falloon, P. & Coleman, K. Revised estimates of the carbon mitigation potential of UK agricultural land, Article, 2000, Soil Use & Management, 16, pp293 - 295, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Powlson, DS., Smith, P., Falloon, P. & Coleman, K. Soil management options for carbon sequestration in Europe with particular reference to conservation tillage, residue management and land use change, Abstract, 1999

·         Smith, P., Whitmore, AP., Wechsung, F., Donatelli, M., Coleman, K., Yin, X., Cramer, W., Smith, JU. & Agostini, F. A Regional-Scale Tool For Examining The Effects Of Global Change On Agro-Ecosystems: The Magec Project, Abstract, 1999

·         Smith, P., Whitmore, AP., Wechsung, F., Donatelli, M., Coleman, K., Yin, X., Cramer, W., Smith, JU. & Agostini, F. A Regional-Scale Tool for Examining The Effects of Global Change on Agro-Ecosystems: The Magec Project, Abstract, 1999

·         Smith, P., Whitmore, A., Wechsung, F., Donatelli, M., Coleman, K., Yin, X., Cramer, W., Smith, JU. & Agostini, F. A Regional-Scale Tool for Examining the Effects of Global Change on Agro-ecosystems: The MAGEC project, Conference contribution, 1999, Proceedings of ESA Symposium on Modelling Cropping Systems, Lleida, Spain, June 1999

·         Falloon, P., Smith, JU. & Smith, P. A review of decision support systems for fertilizer application and manure management, Article, 1999, Acta Agronomica Hungarica, 47, pp227 - 236, ISSN/ISBN: 0238-0161

·         Parshotam, A., Falloon, P., Tate, K., Smith, P. & Coleman, K. Bomb 14C and its use in estimating inert organic cabon (IOM-C) in the Rothamsted soil organic matter (SOM) model., Abstract, 1999

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J., Pasztor, L., Smith, JU., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Estimating regional carbon sequestration potential of agricultural management options using GIS and dynamic SOM models, Abstract, 1999

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J., Pasztor, L., Smith, JU., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Linking GIS and dynamic simulation models: estimating the regional carbon sequestration potential of agricultural management options, Abstract, 1999, pp341 - 342

·         Smith, P., Nemeth, T., Shetsova, L., Romanenkov, V., Donatelli, M., Smith, JU., Dailey, G., Csokli, G., Pasztor, L., Szabo, J. & Milashenko, N. Modelling Soil Sustainability in Eastern Europe Following the Political Changes of the Early 1990s: The LASSEE Project, Conference contribution, 1999, Proceedings of ESA Symposium on Modelling Cropping Systems, Lleida, Spain, June 1999

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J., Pasztor, L., Smith, JU., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Modelling carbon sequestration in agroecosystems, Abstract, 1999

·         Milashenko, N., Shevtsova, L., Romanenkov, V., Smith, P., Korschens, M. & Franko, U. Network of soil organic matter in NIS: constructin, maintenance, future perspectives., Abstract, 1999, pp116 - 118

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J., Pasztor, L., Smith, JU., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. SOM sustainability and agricultural management - predictions at the regional level, Abstract, 1999

·         Smith, JU., Dailey, G., Glendining, MJ., Leech, PK., Tuck, G., Smith, P., Bradbury, N., Bailey, N. & Addiscott, TM. SUNDIAL-FRS Version 1.1, Software, 1999

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Szabo, J., Pasztor, L., Smith, JU., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Scaling up for SOC: comparing approaches for calculating regional SOC stocks, Abstract, 1999

·         Smith, P., Andren, O., Brussaard, L., Dangerfield, M., Ekschmitt, K., Lavelle, P. & Tate, K. Soil biota and global change at the ecosystem level, Article, 1998, Global Change Biology, 4, 7, pp773 - 784, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Falloon, P. & Smith, JU. Soil organic matter and global environmental change: the contribution of GCTE-SMONET to recent research, Abstract, 1998

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Falloon, P. & Smith, JU. Soil organic matter and global environmental change: the contribution of GCTE-SOMNET to recent research, Abstract, 1998

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU., Powlson, DS. & Falloon, P. Soil organic matter model comparison, Article, 1998, GCTE Update, 13, pp4 - 5

·         Powlson, D., Smith, P., Coleman, K., Smith, JU., Glendining, M., Korschens, M. & Franko, U. A European network of long-term sites for studies on soil organic matter, Article, 1998, Soil & Tillage Research, 47, 3-4, pp263 - 274, ISSN/ISBN: 0167-1987

·         Falloon, P. & Smith, P. The role of refractory soil organic matter in soil organic matter models, Article, 1998, Mitteilungen der Deutschen Bodenkundlichen Gesellschaft, 87, pp253 - 264, ISSN/ISBN: 0343-1071

·         Smith, P., Powlson, D., Glendining, M. & Smith, JU. Using long-term experiments to estimate the potential for carbon sequestation at the regional level, Article, 1998, Agrokémia és Talajtan, 46, pp25 - 38, ISSN/ISBN: 0002-1873

·         Smith, P. Climate Change and global Harvest: A book review, Book/Film/Article review, 1998, Journal of Environmental Quality, 27 - 1552, ISSN/ISBN: 0047-2425

·         Martin, P., Smith, P. & Falloon, P. Comparing conventional and analytical versions of the Rothamsted Carbon Turnover Model, Abstract, 1998

·         Powlson, DS., Smith, P., Falloon, P. & Paustian, K. Comparison of modelling approaches for estimates of carbon turnover, Abstract, 1998

·         Smith, P. Consequences of increased CO2 on N dynamics in agroecosystems., Abstract, 1998

·         Elliot, TE., Paustian, K., Smith, P., Frey, SD. & Six, J. Effects of management on carbon sequestration and relase, Abstract, 1998

·         Addiscott, TM. & Smith, P. Environmental risk assessment for the interaction between agricultural land and surface waters, Chapter, 1998, Environmental Toxicology, pp377 - 394

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Estimating the size of the inert organic matter pool from total soil organic carbon content for use in the Rothamsted carbon model, Article, 1998, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 30, 8-9, pp1207 - 1211, ISSN/ISBN: 0038-0717

·         Swift, MJ., Andren, O., Brussaard, L., Briones, M., Couteaux, MM., Ekschmitt, K., Kjoller, A., Loiseau, P. & Smith, P. Global change, soil biodiversity, and nitrogen cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, Article, 1998, Global Change Biology, 4, 7, pp729 - 743, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P. & Ingram, JSI. Land use and land use change, Abstract, 1998 - 16

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P. & Ingram, JSI. Land use and land use change, Abstract, 1998

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Szabo, J., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Linking the Rothamsted Carbon turnover model to GIS databases: Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential, Abstract, 1998

·         Smith, JU., Glendining, MJ., Dailey, AG., Bradbury, NJ., Smith, P., Leech, PK., Tuck, G., Addiscott, TM., Bailey, NJ. & Stockdale, EA. Nitrogen modelling and decision support systems for nitrogen fertilizer recommendation, Abstract, 1998

·         Smith, JU., Glendining, MJ., Smith, P. & Stockdale, E. Optimisation of crop rotations with respect to nitrogen use efficiency, Abstract, 1998

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P. & Powlson, D. Possibilities and data requirements for site-to-country scale dynamic SOM modelling in the ORMITROS programme, Abstract, 1998, pp7 - 8

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Glendining, MJ. & Smith, JU. Preliminary estimates of the potential for carbon mitigation in European soils through no-till farming, Article, 1998, Global Change Biology, 4, 6, pp679 - 685, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Falloon, PD., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Coleman, K., Marshall, S. & Stockdale, L. Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential: linking the Rothamsted Carbon Turnover model to GIS databases, Abstract, 1998, pp143 - 144

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Szabo, J., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential: linking the Rothamsted carbon model to GIS databases, Abstract, 1998

·         Falloon, P., Smith, P., Smith, JU., Szabo, J., Coleman, K. & Marshall, S. Regional estimates of carbon sequestration potential: linking the Rothamsted carbon model to GIS databases, Article, 1998, Biology and Fertility of Soils, 27, pp236 - 241, ISSN/ISBN: 0178-2762

·         Smith, P., Falloon, P. & Smith, JU. Scaling from plot to continental scale in soil organic matter research, Abstract, 1998

·         Paustian, K., Mosier, A., Janzen, H., Tiessen, H., van Noordwijk, M., Andren, O., Davidson, E., Eswaran, H., Fernandes, E., Grace, P., Houghton, R., Kimble, J., Kolchingna, T., Lal, R., Scoles, M., Smith, P., Tian, G., Woomer, P. & Zhong, L. 5.6 Emissions and uptake of CO2 by soil from land use change and management, Chapter, 1997, Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse gas inventories, pp23 - 38

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU., Powlson, DS., McGill, WB., Arah, JRM., Chertov, OG., Coleman, K., Franko, U., Frolking, S., Jenkinson, DS., Jensen, LS., Kelly, RH., Klein-Gunnewiek, H., Komarov, AS., Li, C., Molina, JAE., Mueller, T., Parton, WJ., Thornley, JHM. & Whitmore, AP. A comparison of the performance of nine soil organic matter models using datasets from seven long-term experiments, Article, 1997, Geoderma, 81, 1-2, pp153 - 225, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Paustian, K., Andren, O., Janzen, H., Lal, R., Smith, P., Tian, G., Tiessen, H., van Noordwijk, M. & Woomer, P. Agricultural soils as a sink to mitigate CO2 emissions, Article, 1997, Soil Use & Management, 13, S4, pp229 - 244, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Smith, JU., Bradbury, N., Glendining, M. & Smith, P. Application to SUNDIAL to simulate nitrogen turnover in crop rotations, Article, 1997, Quantitative Approaches in Systems Analysis, 10, pp87 - 92

·         Smith, JU., Glendining, M. & Smith, P. The use of computer simulation models to optimise the use of nitrogen in whole farm systems, Article, 1997, Aspects of Applied Biology, 50, pp147 - 154, ISSN/ISBN: 0265-1491

·         Addiscott, TM. & Smith, P. Using Models in risk assessment of pollutant losses from agricultural land and water, Conference contribution, 1997, Ecotoxicology: Repsonses, Biomarkers and Risk Assessment, and OECD Workshop, pp489 - 506

·         Smith, JU., Dailey, AG., Glendining, MJ., Bradbury, NJ., Addiscott, TM., Smith, P. & Taylor, P. Constructing a nitrogen fertilizer recommendation system around the dynamic nitrogen turnover model, SUNDIAL, Conference contribution, 1997, Proceedings of First European Conference for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA), pp413 - 416

·         Smith, JU., Dailey, A., Glendining, M., Bradbury, N., Addiscott, T., Smith, P., Bide, A., Boothroyd, D., Brown, E., Cartwright, R., Chorley, R., Cook, S., Cousins, S., Draper, S., Dunn, M., Fisher, A., Griffith, P., Hayes, C., Lock, A., Lord, S., Mackay, J., Malone, C., Mitchell, D., Nettleton, D., Nicholls, D., Overman, H., Purslow, J., Scholey, A., Senior, S., Sim, L. & Taylor, P. Constructing a nitrogen fertilizer recommendation system using a dynamic model, Article, 1997, Soil Use & Management, 13, 4, pp225 - 228, ISSN/ISBN: 0266-0032

·         Falloon, P. & Smith, P. Contribution of Kenyan field site data to regional carbon turnover modelling, Abstract, 1997

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU. & Elliott, ET. Evaluation and comparison of soil organic matter models using datasets from seven long-term experiments, Book/Film/Article review, 1997, Geoderma, 81, Special issue, ISSN/ISBN: 0016-7061

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU. & Elliott, ET. Evaluation and comparison os oil organic matter models using datasets from seven long-term experiments, Book, 1997, 81

·         Molina, J. & Smith, P. Modeling carbon and nitrogen processes in soil, Article, 1997, Advances in Agronomy, 62, pp253 - 298, ISSN/ISBN: 0065-2113

·         Smith, P., Willison, T. & Hakamata, T. Modelling Changes in the Organic Carbon Content of Japanese Soils using the Rothamsted Carbon Model, Conference contribution, 1997, Proceedings of the International Workshop on the Evaluation of Soil Processes on Carbon Cycling in Terrestrial Ecosystems and Their Modelling, pp101 - 103

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Glendining, MJ. & Smith, JU. Opportunities and limitations for C sequestration in European agricultural soils through changes in management, Chapter, 1997, Management of carbon sequestration in soil, pp143 - 152

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Glendining, MJ. & Smith, JU. Potential for carbon sequestration in European soils: Preliminary estimates for five scenarios using results from long-term experiments, Article, 1997, Global Change Biology, 3, 1, pp67 - 79, ISSN/ISBN: 1354-1013

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU. & Falloon, P. SOMNET. A global network and database of soil organic matter models and long-term experimental datasets, Article, 1997, The Globe, 38, pp4 - 5, ISSN/ISBN: 0311-3930

·         Smith, P. & Addiscott, TM. Science and Judgement in Risk Assessment. A book review., Book/Film/Article review, 1997, Journal of Environmental Quality, 26 - 320, ISSN/ISBN: 0047-2425

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU. & Powlson, DS. Soil Organic Matter Network (SOMNET), Commissioned Report, 1996

·         Powlson, DS., Smith, P., Coleman, KW., Gaunt, JL., Dendooven, L., Poulton, PR., Mahieu, N. & Randall, EW. Soil organic matter: Something old, something new, Abstract, 1996

·         Smith, JU., Dailey, AG., Glendining, MJ., Bradbury, NJ., Addiscott, TM., Smith, P. & Taylor, P. A system for improved fertilizer recommendations for arable and horticultural crops, Abstract, 1996

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU. & Glendining, MJ. The GCTE SOMNET., Abstract, 1996

·         Smith, P., Caiger, A., Potts, J., Smith, JU., Leech, P. & Powlson, DS. The GCTE Soil Organic Matter Network (SOMNET) Metadata Database., Web publication/site, 1996

·         Gaunt, JL. & Smith, P. Tracking carbon in the soil, Article, 1996, Enterprise (Europa Scientific)

·         Bradbury, NJ., Cowie, G., Smith, P., Jenkinson, DS. & Addiscott, TM. Developing an N balance model for improving N advice, Other Report, 1996

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS. & Glendining, MJ. Establishing a European soil organic matter network (SOMNET), Chapter, 1996, Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter models using Existing, Long-Term Datasets, 38, pp81 - 98

·         Powlson, DS., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter Models using Existing, Long-Term Datasets, Conference contribution, 1996, NATO Advanced Research Workshop "Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter Models Using Existing Long-Term Datasets"

·         Smith, P., Smith, JU. & Powlson, DS. Moving the British cattle herd, Letter, 1996, Nature, 381, 6577, pp15 - 15, ISSN/ISBN: 0028-0836

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Glendining, MJ. & Smith, JU. Opportunities and limitations for C sequestration in European agricultural soils through changes in management, Abstract, 1996

·         Smith, JU., Smith, P. & Addiscott, TM. Quantitative methods to evaluate and cpompare soil organice matter (SOM) models, Chapter, 1996, Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter Models Using Existing Long-Term Datasets, 38, pp181 - 200

·         Bradbury, NJ., Smith, JU. & Smith, P. Simulating soil nitrogen dynamics using the Sundial model, Abstract, 1996

·         Smith, JU. & Smith, P. 'MODEVAL': Quantitative methods to evaluate and compare SOM models, Software, 1995

·         Smith, P. & Smith, JU. 'WEEKMET', 'MONTHMET' & 'ROTHCMET'. Suite of programs used for formatting meteorological datasets from SOMNET standard format., Software, 1995

·         Smith, P. Soil organic matter network being started., Article, 1995, Agronomy News, 8, ISSN/ISBN: 0568-3106

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU. & Glendining, MJ. A GCTE SOMNET. A global network and database of soil organic matter models and long-term datasets, Abstract, 1995

·         Smith, P. & Hart, ADM. A comparison of risk assessment schemes used within the OECD Region, Chapter, 1995, Report of the OECD Workshop on Hazard/Risk/Assessment Schemes, London, May 1994

·         Smith, P., Powlson, DS., Smith, JU. & Glendining, MJ. The GCTE SOMNET. A global network and database of soil organic matter models and long-term datasets., Abstract, 1995

·         Powlson, DS., Smith, P. & Smith, JU. SOMNET, Abstract, 1995

·         Smith, P. Announcing SOMNET, Article, 1994, CAMASE News

·         Smith, P. & Hart, ADM. Environmental Hazard/Risk Assessment Schemes , Book, 1994

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