第二届全球土壤生物多样性国际会议(2nd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference)将于2017年10月在南京举行。本次会议主题是讨论土壤生物多样性问题及其在地球可持续发展上的重要意义。经会议组织者(中国土壤生物多样性协作组和国际土壤生物多样性计划)科学家与国际生物质炭协会的协商,本次会议将特别开设一个生物质炭与土壤生物及生物多样性的专场讨论会(Biochar for soil biota and biodiversity), 期望交流生物质炭对土壤生物与生多样性以及生物功能与生物健康影响上的研究进展,展望生物质炭对于改善土壤生态系统及保护土壤生物多样性的潜力。交流论文将择优推荐发表。现全球征集摘要,欢迎相关研究者踊跃提交摘要,在专家初步评审后将发出接受函,并安排报告(口头或墙报)。
摘要截至日期: 2017年4月1日。
分会联系人:潘根兴教授 pangenxing@aliyun.com; gxpan1@hotmail.com.
Call for abstract submission: Biochar for soil biota and biodiversity
Session 15, 2nd Global Soil Biodiversity Conference, 15-19 October 2017, Nanjing, China
Scope and aim: Over the last 5 years, interests in biochar research and technology development as well as production have been growing across policy makers, institutions, business sectors and NGOs over the globe. Biochar’s effects on soil structure, nutrient dynamic, plant/crop performance and yield, pollutant stabilization and greenhouse gas mitigation as well as soil C sequestration have been vastly reported and evaluated globally. While these effects are known varying with rather with biochar characteristics than soil and plant conditions, long term changes in soil C, nutrients and pollutants as well as soil biophysics are being currently explored through biochar-soil-plant interactions in field experiments. However, information of biological changes with biochars are still scarce, limiting our understanding of biochar potential to enhance land degradation neutrality and sustainable management. Before we can recommend global adoption of large scale use of biochar from waste biomass in agriculture and ecosystem management, it is urgently to have insights to biochar’s role in mediating soil biota, biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. In this session, contributions are welcome to exchange current studies on changes in soil biota and biodiversity with biochar. In this session, research reports or synthetic analysis are particularly appreciated on changes in size and composition of total soil biota, soil fauna and microbes, on species composition and on their metabolic or biogeochemical activity (for example, enzyme activities). We also look for those works linking soil or plant or ecosystem response to biochar to soil biota or biodiversity changes. All the submitted abstracts will be reviewed by experts who have profound knowledge of biochar and soil biology. Those abstracts fitting our goal will be accepted for session presentation and invitation letter will be provided in due time. Those research reports with significant findings and data quality will be recommended to publish in an international soil journal.
Session contact: Dr Genxing Pan. Email: pangenxing@aliyun.com; gxpan1@hotmail.com
Abstract submission deadline: April 1, 2017.
For more information, click the conference web link: http://gsbc2.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70022.