美国加利福尼亚大学洛杉矶分校Prof. Yongkang Xue学术报告——东亚气候变化模拟,欢迎参加

报告人:Prof. Yongkang Xue

报告人单位Department of Geography, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

报告题目:Issues in modeling East Asian decadal climate variability and its broad Impact

报告时间2014924 上午11:15开始


联系人: 琨(15005167833)


Yongkang Xue

Professor, Department of Geography, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Research Interests

1, Land surface model (Simplified Simple Biosphere Model, SSiB) development, including biophysical processes, photosynthesis process, cryospheric processes, and dynamic vegetation processes.

2, Atmosphere-land surface coupling processes and hydrometeorological prediction, focusing on the impact of land-surface processes, including vegetation biophysical processes, land-cover and land use change, and land-surface parameters and parameterizations, on regional climate and global climate variability and anomalies, with a special emphasis on monsoon systems, and the mechanism involved.

3, Remote sensing methodology for atmospheric and land surface variables, and application of remote sensing products in prediction studies.

4, Areas of active research include West Africa, South America, Continental U.S., and East Asia.

Ongoing project

1, Leading an effort for the NSF Ea EM-3: Surface-induced forcing and decadal variability and change of the East Asian climate, surface hydrology & agriculture–A modeling and data approach.

2, Leading an effort for West African Monsoon Modeling and Evaluation (WAMME).

| 发布时间:2014-09-22    查看次数: