20th IUSS, the 29th Internl Congress on Solid Waste Management将于2014年召开,请有兴趣的师生踊跃撰写论文摘要提交

    明年4月分别在韩国济州岛和美国Philadelphia召开第20届IUSS Congress和第29届Internl Congress on Solid Waste Management ,请各位老师和同学踊跃撰写论文摘要提交,我们将视录用情况决定资助出席。
    Symposium on biochar soil amendment in 20th IUSS, the 29th Internl Congress on Solid Waste Management will be held respectively in Cheju, Korea and Philadelphia, USA in April, 2014. All faculty members and PH D students are encoruaged to sumit an abstract. Participation will be supported depending on the final acceptance. We hope a small group of us could be able to go to Korea and a few to US respectively.
    Please log on the website and prepare yoru abstract following the guidelines. Be sure of the deadlines before which we need have a check and agree to submit.

| 发布时间:2013-08-27    查看次数: