学术报告:2014年5月28日上午9:30,资环楼B211,美国普渡大学Timothy R. Filley学术报告,请准时出席,谢谢

报告人:Timothy R. Filley

报告人单位:Purdue University, USA

报告题目:Soil Organic Matter Dynamics in Subtropical Grassland




Timothy R. Filley is professor of Geochemistry, Department of Earth, Atmosphere and Planetary Sciences, Purdue University. His research interests are factors controlling stabilization/destabilization of soil organic matter, terrestrial isotope ecology, microbial decay of natural products and emerging pollutants, invertebrate impacts on soils, decomposition chemistry of manufactured carbonaceous nanomaterials. His group use field-based experiments, such as the Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) sites, chronosequences of forest encroachment, laboratory mesocosm experiments and a variety of analytical approaches including analysis plant and microbial organic chemistry (e.g. lignin, carbohydrates, amino compounds), microbial activity assays, and stable isotope techniques (e.g. compound specific stable isotope analysis) to investigate these processes.

| 发布时间:2014-05-27    查看次数: